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OK, OK. So this is how it went...
First I learned about a series of skits I was going to be in, got the script, and got cast with a pretty big part.
Second, I got to have my birthday with my grandma. Because, you see, she goes out of town every winter and comes to see us for the whole summer. So, she misses me and my sister's birthdays. So what she does is takes us out for a birthday day, where we get to spend the day alone with her and eat whatever lunch we want to go shopping for a gift together.
So, I ate a really good Yumm bowl (if you don't know what that is, you're missing out) and then we went to Hobby Lobby (the best craft store EVER) and I got 7 COPIC MARKERS. 7. Two packs, yellow (for SandWings and it includes a cream for underscales, because I get a lot of requests with cream and I don't have one! But now I do! Yay!) and a brown one (mostly for MudWings and skin tones) and finally, a single red marker (that I have to exchange because I got home and realized that it looked almost exactly like my other one ) Because I only had one red marker.
Then we went to Sharie's for pie (yay!) and since we were near my house, I had us stop by because the thing said that my package that had my pre-order of Winter Turning in it (along with something else that I will explain shortly) would arrive today. So we went and it was there! I got so excited! It was thw most beautiful cover.... And smelled amazing! XD it came with my other order, the Lindsey Stirling album "Shatter Me" that as the deluxe, DELUXE edition (called "the complete experience") with everything any Stirlingite could want! Anyways, that was my amazing day and partly why I wasn't on all day, that and the fact that I haven't really put Winter Turning down except to pet kittens and write this. I've gotten about halfway through it already XD anyways, gtg read! Bye my Sunbeamites! (that's your new name )

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