chapter twenty-one

Start from the beginning

i laughed at her eagerness, "there is no 'details' to spill".

"yes, there is! last time i checked, you would have never classed bad-boy-wilk as your type".

i awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, "well, johnson has carrington so i might as well have sammy".

"wait, is this just a way to get back at johnson?" chantelle asked with one eye slightly squinting, as if she was trying to see right through me.

"yes, and no" i replied almost inaudibly. "...but mostly, yes".

chantelle gasped dramatically, "i knew it! i knew that you two making out whenever johnson came by wasn't just a coincidence. so, is sammy in on this or...?".

"he's not, and he doesn't need to" i quickly told her. "i know that it sounds kind of harsh, but when i've finished torturing johnson, i'll let him down easy".

i explained before chantelle placed her hand on her heart and stared at me like a proud mother.

"i never knew that you had it in you, kari phillips. admit it, these boys have had an impact on you and you know it" she almost cried and i playfully rolled my eyes at her drama performance, then stood up.

"i am not going to admit anything, because i need to get ready and meet sammy outside in a few minutes" i announced, before quickly going back to looking for an outfit in my closet.


through the window of the doors, i saw sammy waiting for me as he sat on the steps and smoked a cigarette.

i couldn't see gilinsky, or johnson and carrington there too but i opened the doors any ways and jumped down to sit beside him.

"so, where's gilinsky, or johnson and carrington?" i subtly questioned as he exhaled smoke from between his pursed lips.

"so, you're just using me to get back at johnson, huh?" he turned his head to me and i gulped at the confrontation.

"...not entirely" i quietly mumbled, but he scoffed at my answer.

"i heard you talking to chantelle, so stop bullshitting, kari".

"fine, i'm sorry. but, i was just really angry on friday and i knew that hooking up with you would make him jealous, and it's worked" i aimed to explain. "...but i understand if you hate me now or whatever.

i began to stand back up, but to my surprise, sammy gently grabbed me by my wrist.

he chuckled lightly, "i don't hate you. i mean, come on, it's you. plus if you wanted my help with making johnson jealous, all you had to do was ask".

my eyes widened, "really?".

he simply nodded at my question, then put out his cigarette on the ground.

"okay, i need to smoke some real shit now and i can't do it in front of the school doors. but i get, if you want to go back inside because johnson isn't—".

"no!" i spoke a little too quickly. "...i mean, i don't mind if it's just you and me. after all, you are supposed to be my boyfriend".

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