chapter fourteen

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chantelle's pov

"the next activity that we're going to do is focused around emotions, thoughts and advice" cara explained.

she turned around to write those exact three words on the board with a marker.

"so, i'm going to pass some paper around and i want you all to anonymously write down something that's maybe been a weight on your shoulders for a while, or something that's been on your mind and you're in desperate need for advice. you will then pick one of the papers out of a box and which ever one you get, you have to then give back some advice".

A.N: i'm going to put the names of the people who wrote the problems in brackets.

minutes past and mostly everyone had written down something on a piece of paper and cara had put them into the box.

"right, so since everyone but nate decided to participate. so kari, can you start?" she asked and passed the box to her. "oh and by the way, the notes could seem a little obvious as to who wrote it, but just go with the flow and whatever is said in here, stays in here".

"ok, well i got: (chantelle) i like him, a lot actually, maybe even love, but he makes me feel like crap sometimes and i don't want to let go" kari read a loud. "well, person who wrote this, you shouldn't let a guy treat you like that and i know it's hard because as you said, you might love him but you deserve to feel worthy, not like something he can keep taking a bite out of whenever he feels like it".

"well done, kari. nate, can you at least pick from the box?" cara begged.

"ugh, fine" he first groaned, then finally put his hand in. "(johnson) she's probably the most amazing girl that i've ever met, but it still hurts when i see her with him. i'm just worried that i'm at some sort of competition with this guy. well bro, just tell the other dude to back the hell off and as long as that dude isn't me, you aren't at any competition whatsoever".

"right, okay. meredith?".

"i got; (ava) doing this went against everything that i ever said to him, but i couldn't resist and now i just keep going back for more - making me unsure of how i feel now. well, forget about what you said before, that was then and this is now. if you want him, go get him and you shouldn't feel guilty if it's not hurting anyone".

"great job, meredith. jack johnson?" cara gestured.

"um, well mine says; (gilinsky) she's been hurt before and you can tell, and it sucks that she won't let me in to treat her better because for once i actually like a girl, not just for sexual pleasure".

"wait, i never said—" gilinsky almost spoke.

"i tweaked some of the bad words, so they were more suitable to read aloud" cara quickly announced. "johnson, what advice would you like to give to this person?".

"well, just be there for her, bro. that's all you can do until she opens up".

cara smiled, "well done, jack. chantelle?".

i rolled my eyes at miss-try-and-turn-us-into-the-breakfast-club and popped the bubblegum in my mouth.

"(meredith) i did something bad and i regret it completely, it will crush one of my best friends and i know that she likes him a lot...she tells me 24/7" i slowly read, then recited it again in my head.

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