"It is beyond my power to stay my son, be good for your Grandfathers and for your Uncle Marco. Promise me." She said.

Tonio promised and dropped his head to his chest as his mother closed her eyes for one final time.

He sat there for what seemed like an age, unwilling to leave her until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Tonio, you need to leave." Marco said as he looked down at the boy.

He stood up and allowed his uncle to lead him away and let the nurses in to do their job.

"Your Grandfather wants to see you Tonio."

The boy stopped for a moment, "He wants to see me?" he asked surprised. He knew his grandfather loved him, he saw him a few times a year, but he had never spent a lot of time with any of his family apart from his mother and his Uncle Marco. Since moving to Peoria as a child, he had been kept away from the main members of his family. He was just about to start college when his mother got sick. His grandfather had paid for the hospital bills, but he had used most of his savings to help with the other things his mother had needed during her stay. He still had enough saved for his first year at college and was excited about his place at GW Business school. But now he thought maybe it was in doubt.

Walking up to the large Mansion the Macaluso family owned, he gulped as he nodded to the man guarding the door.

The man moved his gun as he looked at the boy, but then noticed Marco behind him.

"Afternoon Sir, The Don is in and will see you as soon as you arrive."

Marco walked past him and guided Tonio inside.

"It's been a long time hasn't it?" He said as the boy walked inside.

Tonio nodded, "I think I was six last time mother and I came here. Grandfather has only been to see me at mother's since then."

Marco knocked on the door and waited as a voice called him in.

"Tonio, son... come in..."

He opened the door and was enveloped in the arms of the older man, "I am sorry for your loss; My Maria was a ray of light." He looked sadder than Tonio remembered but then the man had lost his daughter.

"She would have wanted you there." Tonio said.

Mike Macaluso nodded, "I know, I know, but it is not easy for me. My heart breaks for you son."

"Thank you, Grandfather." Tonio said.

"You will be coming to stay here now. I talked to your dear mother before she passed. You do not need to go to College, but I have need of you here."

"Here? But Grandfather I was going to study business, surely I would be of more help if..."

"Tonio, your father was a good man, he helped his family until he died and your mother wanted you to follow in his footsteps. Your father worked for Don DiNozzo and it would be an insult to his memory and a slight on the family if you didn't follow in his footsteps."

"You want me to work for Don DiNozzo?" he asked, surprised, he didn't have much contact with his paternal grandfather.

"No, I want you to work for me. Marco will train you up and give you all you need to one day take my place as the head of the family. Maria was my only child, my heir. Now it falls to you to take your place as a member of the Macaluso family."

"But I am a DiNozzo, sir."

"Only by birth, you are a Macaluso by blood. Maybe you will heal the rift that has developed between our families."

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