Chapter 1

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"You have got to be kidding me!"

Tony slammed in the front door of his father's house, dropping his rucksack on the floor, he stormed down the stairs of the basement as Gibbs stood there sanding his latest boat.

He raised an eyebrow, turned poured his son a glass of bourbon and waited.

"You asked her to join us?" Tony took the drink and sat on the bottom step.

"I was impressed with how she handled the case." Gibbs replied with a shrug, "We've been a two man team since Blackadder left, I thought you'd appreciate the help."

"Humph." Tony sipped his drink and glared at him.

"Come on Tony, Kate helped us, and the Secret Service sacked her." Gibbs argued.

Tony smirked at him, "You like her?" He said.

"She's got the makings of a good agent." Gibbs agreed.

"So..." Tony finished off his drink and put the glass down. "You're not seeing Vivianne tonight?"

Gibbs shook his head, "Nope. Not tonight, figured I'd be needed here." He stood up and walked towards the stairs, "Steak?" He asked.

Tony nodded and followed him upstairs, "You staying tonight?" Gibbs asked.

Again Tony nodded, "My water heater's not working again and my back aches from where Fornell had my ass tossed on the beltway."

Gibbs shook his head, "You need to move." He sighed as he took two steaks out of the fridge and walked towards the fire.

"Maybe, but the rent is cheap and it's close to work. I have a boss who's a bear if I'm late."

Gibbs chuckled, "I could have left you in Baltimore."

For a second a dark look crossed his face, "You wouldn't have though?"

"It was either you joined me or I shot Danny."

Tony laughed, "I would have been right behind you." He said remembering his dirty ex partner.

Gibbs threw the steak on the fire, "SO..." He let the word linger for a moment, "Morrow wants us to be a three man team. What do you think about Kate joining?"

"Honestly, Dad, I think she'll be good for the team, but... we haven't mentioned about 'Our' situation, apart from Morrow no-one else knows. Didn't you say she was a profiler, what if she figures it out?"

Gibbs laughed, "You ashamed of me son?"

Tony looked abashed for a moment, "No, of course not. But Abby will rip you a new one if she finds out you're my dad and Ducky..." Tony smirked and launched into an imitation of the elderly Scotsman, "Well, Jethro.... This news reminds me of a time when..."

"Ok, okay." Gibbs laughed. "Let's just deal with that if and when it arises. Kate's joining us on Monday." He flipped Tony's steak onto a plate and handed it to him, "Eat your food, I'll come with you tomorrow and we'll fix that damn heater again."

Maria Macaluso held her son's hand. He was now eighteen years old and had been the light of his mother's life all her life.

"It's not fair mama." Tonio said as he looked at her fading in her hospital bed.

Maria smiled the light waning in her eyes.

"Tonio, it is as the good Lord wills it, I will soon be reunited with your father. I know he would have been as proud of you as I am now. You have been a good son."

Tonio looked away for a moment.

"Your Uncle Marco will be there for you if you need anything."

"I need you mama, please, don't leave me." He begged his green eyes filling with tears.

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