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*Kisame's POV*

I'm glad Naomi is back. I explained the whole demon thing to her, how it wasn't actually me. And she admitted on how she had watched my dreams. A little embarrassing if you ask me.

We were walking along the beach, hand in hand when Hidan came up to us. "So are you guys fricking official or what?" I laugh and pull her closer to me jokingly. She just giggles and says "Sorry Hidan, but you were never really my type." Hidan scowls and walks away, muttering and cursing.

We jut continue on like that until Itachi appears in front of us. "We have a mission."

*Naomi's POV*

"What's our mission?" Itachi glances around. "Come, let's go to the boardroom."

When we get there, It's empty. He clears his throat before continuing. "Ahem. In light of recent events," he glances over to Kisame, to me, then back to Kisame. "Pein thinks it best that we find a way to extract the demon from Kisame." Kisame looks at him in disbelief. "Wah- How did you know?!" Itachi says nothing but just points to his eye. "Damn sharingan." Kisame mutters.

"Well what do we do?" I ask, a little impatient. Itachi turns to me. "Research. We must go to where the demon originates to find any spells. Pack your bags, we are headed to the Land of Waves."



Me: This is sosososo short! I'm sorry! But I hope you like the book.

Hidan: Who likes this shit?

Sasuke: No one likes me!

Me: God Sasgay you're such an emo!

Sasuke: Join me.

Me: Okay. *goes over to emo corner*

Hidan: ...and anyway, this book is such cra- hey, are you even listening?

Me: *playing patty cake with Sasuke and Itachi* No.

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