Forgiven Revenge

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I built a fire of rage

Suddenly there was a rip in the page

I fell into my own death trap

I grab onto the ledge

And looked up to see his face

He looks down at me

kneeling at the knee

I thirst for revenge

So I grabbed his arm

I looked in his eyes

An emotion shown clear as the skies

The fear and pure terror consuming him

I let go, disgusted with  myself

I prepare to fall, like an injured crow

I dare not wait for his disgust to show

Just as I take the leap

He grabs my arm and pulls me up

He set me on the ground 

and looks at me, almost astound

I stare at him before backing away

Look what I've done, I can't just stay

What on earth was I thinking

I let the devil control my mind like a weakling

He walks towards me, but I back away

Confused on why he would want to even see me

He grabs me and pulls me close

Not a single bit of distaste shows

He sobs while holding me tight

Finally, I stop struggling to get away

He falls to the ground, taking me with him

He sobs even louder, even though I made the sin

He pleads with all his might

Begging me to stay 

Saying I over-reacted and no one was hurt

My wall of steel falls as I cry into his shirt

I wanted to kill my own brother

All because of jealousy

That day I realized the greatest gifts ever given to me

My big brother, and forgiveness

A/N: Okay... I'm not very siked about this poem. It just feel kinda flat. What do you guys think?

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