The Test Known as Life

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I've studied until I cried.

I know the answers in my heart.

Yet I stare at the pages, frozen.

I'm falling into the canyon.

I see all the ledges on the side,

But I don't even try to hold on.

I lay at the rocky bottom;

Not even attempting to get back to the top.

I simply stand there until the ground gives way.

I fall faster and faster by the second.

My mind going in a downwards spiral.

The answer is right in front of me.

Still I ignore the clear answers of pure truth.

I'll never be able to make it through.

My mind begs me to stop myself from falling deeper.

Why can't I reach out and touch the light?

What is stopping me from doing what I know I should?

How can a test you know so well be so hard?

A/N: So, how was it? I tried to put a lot of emotion into it. Let me know what you think!

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~ Ezmar

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