{Chapter 17 : Castaways}

Start from the beginning

"You're an idiot for even trying to fight Jason." Kailan held a small smirk, well aware that he had no room to talk. Still, he wasn't the one beaten into a pulp. "They actually taught us how to fight in that hell hole," he said. "Also taught us how to handle a gun, and even had a few lectures on the theories behind Wickeds. Why we're such threats and all."

"It's funny. The only people I've heard of Wickeds killing lately is themselves. Yet we're still a travesty to man. " Vinny sat up on his forearm, squinting from the sun and raising a brow at Kai to lighten the mood. "You gonna play a human bug-zapper every time I make stupid decisions?"

"Might zap you next time you do something idiotic," he replied bluntly, meeting Vinny's gaze. There was a slight tilt in his smile. "Honestly the most you do is sleep with girls, yet you seem to be a target for people's anger." He chuckled, "Fighting the football team and sleeping with their girlfriends... you're a fucking stereotype." He gave Vinny a light-hearted sneer, but the blond was leveled by Kailan's words.

Vinny's expression drained slowly of all joy as he eyed the rippling mountaintops in the distance. "I guess I am, aren't I?" Sex had become something akin to food. He needed it to survive, but it had lost all of its taste. It was bland now. Boring. And so bitter it left him feeling more and more ill each time he took a bite.

Sighing, he gestured to the open blanket of blue sky in front of them. "You should give it a try." It was his attempt at a change of subject, but as he looked to Kai, he wondered just what the boy was capable of. He'd never seen one of Kailan's storms. Not until the night he'd summoned one and shocked the ever-loving Christ out of Jason.

Kailan sighed, shifting a bit as his stare drifted in front of him. "I guess there's no harm in trying." He said this, but the idea made him nervous; anxious. He didn't want to accidentally call forth a raging thunderstorm. He rarely utilized his ability, after all. Who knew if he even had the reins to control it.

But Vinny was waiting, a comforting smirk on his face. If things got too bad, they'd go inside. There was nothing to fear and no reason to panic.

He let out a tense breath and stilled his body. His eyes were staring forward, never once acknowledging the sky, but slowly and surely, it was changing. Light gray rainclouds began dotting around them, spoiling the nice view.

Then a cold drop of rain kissed Vincent's cheek. His head snapped up toward the sky, and he watched in amazement as the once blistering sun was blanketed by a thin wall of foggy grey clouds. He ascended onto his feet, stumbling forward a foot or two, given his lack of attention to the declining hill around him. He was too entranced by the sudden overcast that dimmed the once nettlesome sunlight. It was almost like the dawning of an apocalypse.

He looked back over his shoulder at Kailan with a slack jawed expression, "Are you doing this?"

Kailan was silent at first. He was focused on his body's own metronome; the drum of his heart beat, the current of his breath, the tap of his eardrums—their tempo synchronized, like an orchestra without music. Of course, with so much control, a panic attack was unlikely. He was focused, nearly in a meditative state. As he opened his eyes to look at Vinny, the rain grew into a heavy downfall of water. They would be thoroughly soaked in no time.

"It sure as hell better be," he said finally, rising to his feet. He was going to be freezing soon, but this was what Vinny had wanted. And frankly, it was a milestone to Kailan himself. He wanted to retreat under cover, but he bit the bullet and grounded himself where he stood. Every second of it was unpleasant, but he remained by Vinny's side, watching him with a slight tilt of his head. Vinny was grinning—a sort of youthful smile that brought on a rush of nostalgia. Suddenly, they were sixteen all over again.

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