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Laura's POV

life is always changing around us, whether you realize it or not something changes in your life every day, some times for the better sometimes for the worse. I'm one of those girls that are not very fond of change.

When I was nine, a change called Mindy took my father away from my mother and sister and me. Who is Mindy you might ask? Well let's just say my father was very fond of her, a little to fond of her that he got her pregnant. When my mom found out about the baby they got a divorce, and that caused my father to start drinking.

On my tenth birthday my dad was driving to come and see me. Me and my sister stayed up wondering what was taking him so long. That's when the door bell rang and when I went to answer it, it was a police officer who wanted to talk to my mom. Ten minutes After me and Vanessa left the room I heard my mom screaming and crying. The next thing I knew was the officer came to talk to me and Vanessa and he told us that our father had been in a car accident, and he was driving drunk and he was dead.

Within the next five years another change came, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. After my fathers death she stopped taking care of herself and the only thing she did was work. She also took up a nasty smoking habit, me and Vanessa tried to make her quit, but every time we came so close she would start again. She has been on chemotherapy for about two years now and the tumor hasn't gotten any better, but thankfully it hasn't become worse.

After my mom found out about the cancer Vanessa had to get a job at Macy's and at a local cafe. she has practically been the main adult in our family, when she is not at work she is either taking care of mom or the house or she is taking college courses online.

Now I am sixteen, seventeen in a month or two, I am a junior in high school and I am at the top of my class.
My best friend is Hannah Washington (and if you are wondering NO she is not a fan of Until Dawn, in fact she hates it because everyone thinks she is going to turn into a windigo at any second) but she dose have long black hair and glasses and she dose look like the Hannah from the game.

Now if you were wondering, no I don't have a boyfriend. I have never had one and no I haven't had my first kiss yet. I guess it's just I really have never liked any one before, except Harry Potter but I would never have a chance to meet him, plus he is all the was in HogWarts. (Ok I do know he doesn't exist but let me have my fan girl moment)

Right now I am walking to my locker while texting Hannah.
Text conversations

Hannah: so did u hear about the new kids coming to school.

Laura: no, y? And how would u know about new kids?

Hannah: I have new neighbors, no wait, actually there more ur new neighbors than mine there 2 houses down from u on the right, how did you not know???

Laura: guess I just haven't been paying attention, so what r they like???

Hannah: there r 8 of them, a mom, dad, 4 brothers, a sister and a guy that live with them. 2 of the brothers r blonde along with the girls, then 3 of the boys r brown haired, 2 of the guys r our age and the girl and another guy r seniors I think

Laura: and how do u know all this han??

Hannah: maybe I walked over to welcome them 2 the neighborhood, it was a bad idea though, 1 of the boys, Rocky I think was his name, started saying. "EVERY ONE GET A FLAME THROWER, ITS THE WINDIGO FROM UNTIL DAWN" and my parents wonder y ur my only friend😒😒😒

Laura: don't worry, hey at least now if u ever turn in to a windigo u will have a lot of people to kill and I won't die😂😂😂

Hannah: 😠😒😒 anyways they r starting school today so maybe u will meet them gtg bye

End of conversation

Just as I was looking up from my phone and putting it away I bumped into someone.
"Ouch, hey watch where you're going."
I then got a look at his face then noticed his beautiful hazel like eyes and blonde hair witch was all messy,but on him it looked perfect.
"Oh I'm sorry"
And if his eyes and hair weren't enough his sweet voice was perfect..... Wait why am I thinking this? I just met the dude?!?
"You know actually it was my fault, I shouldn't be texting and walking in the first place, so you must be new here because I've never seen you around before."
He gave me a smile and started to talk."well actually my family just moved in down the street"
And that explains it, he must be in that family Han was telling me about.
"Oh, ok I know who you are now, my friend Hannah was just texting me about her new neighbors."
His smile quickly turned into a frown.
"Oh no, you mean the girl my brother thought was a windigo?"
I laughed a little.
"Yep that would be her."
"Could you please tell her that my brother has no real brain and that we're all sorry that happened." It was a little cute how apologetic he was being. Stop it Laura!!!!
"Sure I'll tell her, but I better get to class."
Before I could take another step he said.
"Could I get your name before you go."
I turned and said, "Laura, Laura Marano, and yours blond."
He laughed at the nick name and said, "Ross lynch."
(AN)Hey guys!!!!
So here is my first Raura fanfic!!!!

I hope you guys will like it, now original I write Castle/Caskett fanfics, but I'm hoping that this fanfic will turn out alright.

Now if you are wondering about the cancer and the cheating thing her is why I used it.

My uncle was diagnosed with liver cancer about I think five years back.

And about the cheating thing, all I'm going to say is I had someone in my family cheat on someone else. No in my family's case the girl he was with did not end up pregnant but I thought it would be more drama if I added that in

Well I hope you guys will enjoy this fic even though a&a is over


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