Chapter 2

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All credit for the characters go to Rick Riordan and him alone


Percy woke up early in the morning thanks to the light streaming through the open curtains. He rolls over into his pillow trying to shield his eyes from the new morning sun and then his mind flashes back to the events of last night.

"No. Please tell me that it was just a dream." Percy groans but after wiping a hand down his face he realise that the events of last night did happen. The dried tears on his face our proof of that.

Slowly the son of Poseidon makes his way  out from under his cover and over towards his bathroom. When they added in the Minor God and Goddess cabins after the Second Titan War they also added personal cabins to the existing cabins. It was a good thing they had because Percy didn't think he could have stepped out of his cabin this morning looking as bad as he did now, with his red tears stained face and his blood shot eyes. In the bathroom Percy takes a quick cold shower in the hope to wake himself up and dismiss the events of last night. It doesn't work though and once he's out of the shower Percy feels even worse about the argument he and Annabeth had gotten into. Annabeth had cheated on him. But more important, Annabeth was gone.

He walks back to his bed and sits down on the ruffled covers. A cold shiver runs down his spine, a feeling like he's being watched. Percy quickly glances around the cabin and is surprised when he's sees the shadows on the wall beside him start to shimmer. Out from the shadows steps the son of Hades, Nico Di Angelo.

"What are you doing here Nico you never visit?" Percy asks resting his heads in his hands in a defeated way. He was not in the mood to entertain anyone today.

"I was visiting Hazel and she told me that Annabeth left about 10 minutes ago. Did you know about that?" Nico asks glancing worriedly at the boy in front of him.

Percy looks up suddenly with a look of shock registered on his face. "She left already?"

Nico looks at Percy with a hint of confusion. "From what Hazel told me yeah, so you knew she would be leaving?"

"Why did you come here Nico?" Percy asks looking properly at the pale boy in front of him for the first time. He's never noticed how much the skinny black jeans clung to the younger boys legs and he found it kind of hot. Percy hurriedly shakes his head trying to clear his head of the son of Hades.

Nico blushes and becomes kind of flustered as he rub the back of his head, trying to look for an answer. "Uh...well I was unsure of how you would react but if everything's alright then...I'll just be going."

The boy begins to turn away and Percy gets a pang of pain go through his heart, he doesn't want this boy to leave. "Nico wait." Percy exclaims grabbing onto the arm of the Ghost King.

Nico turns around to look at the pleading face of the Sea Prince. "Percy what's going on?"

Percy drops the hand on Nico's arm and rubs his face trying to clear his face of emotion. Seeing that Percy was clearly distracted Nico turns to leave again but stops when he hears Percy's mumbled response.

"Annabeth cheated on me."

Nico spins round quickly wanting to see the reaction of the son of Poseidon. He turns round to see a tear rolling down his loves cheek. His heart clenches at the sight of it and Nico begins to slowly approach the older boy. Nico rarely agreed to human contact or comfort  but as he sat next to the heart broken boy he felt obliged to comfort him in some way.

"What happened Perce?" Nico asks cautiously afraid of how Percy may react to his question.

"Sh....She came in last night and starte....started trying to say that it wasn't her fault b...but worst of all she tried to blame it on me." Percy stammers trying to control the shaking and tears. He was becoming very self-conscious of the boy next to him, he didn't want Nico to see him break down like this.

"Perce I'm so sorry. Is that why she left camp?" Nico asks trying hard to resist the urge to wipe away the Sea Princes tears with his thumb.

"No after she tried to blame me for her sleeping with Travis she told me she was leaving camp to find herself again. She wouldn't even listen to my opinion about her leaving camp." Percy finishes wiping away the final tears that had continued to stream down his face as he spoke to Nico.

"Wait she slept with Travis?" Nico asks in shock at the thought Annabeth could stoop that low.

"Yeah, why?" Percy says looking over at the cute boy next to him. Wait since when did I think Nico's cute, not that he isn't or anything, Percy thinks.

"Oh reason." Nico admits unsure whether to voice his opinion about Percy's ex-girlfriend but he decides against it, "So do you want to go to breakfast then?"

"I don't think I can face everyone just go without me." Percy grumbles lying back against the bed covering his face with an arm.

Nico looks at Percy his eyes full of sympathy but he knew that if Percy stayed in his cabin alone for the rest of his life he would never be able to move on. So instead of leaving Percy to wallow in self-pity Nico grabs onto Percy's arm and pulls him from the bed, while trying to fight the blush that threatens to appear on his cheeks.

"Wrong answer,  you are coming to breakfast with me." Nico states as he begins walking towards the shadows made by the other beds in the cabin with Percy in tow.  

"No Nico please wai..." Percy begins only to be interrupted when Nico pulls him into the shadows and they begin their journey to the dining pavilion.


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