Chapter Eleven

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Two Years Later....

Mark let out a soft sigh as he walked out of the rehab center, rubbing at his wrists self-consciously as the person at the gate watched him. He had checked himself into the rehab center two years ago so he could get better for himself and Jackson.

Speaking of Jackson, Mark smiled when he saw his boyfriend waiting for him outside the gate. He laughed and ran towards the blonde, throwing himself in his boyfriend's strong arms and hugging him.

"I missed you." Mark mumbled, laying his head on Jackson's shoulder.

"Missed you too. A lot." Jackson replied, a smile on his face.

Pulling away from the embrace, Mark took the time to look at his boyfriend, who had been there for him when he thought he didn't need help. He himself had decided to go to rehab because he wanted to get better.

"How's my dad?" Mark asked a moment later, almost too afraid to even mention his father.

Jackson let out a soft sigh and ran his fingers along Mark's cheek, the latter tilting his head at the contact.

"He's isolated himself. He blames himself for everything and doesn't even let anybody visit him." Jackson mumbled, sighing once more.

Mark sighed as well, not really knowing what to think of that. His dad's drinking had gotten worse. His father nearly went on a rampage of drinking when Mark had announced he was going to the rehab center.

"No need to worry about that now. You just got out of that place so we can go somewhere to celebrate your new found freedom. Anywhere you want to go?" Jackson said, taking Mark out of his thoughts.

"I want to go to the beach." Mark said, an excited smile on his face as he pecked Jackson's lips.

"To the beach it is then." Jackson said with a chuckle, opening the passenger door for Mark.


When they were at the beach an hour later, Mark immediately got out of the car and ran towards the water, taking his shoes off as he went.

Letting out a relieved breath, he stepped through the water and held his hands out, looking up towards the sky with a bright smile.

He let out a surprised laugh when arms wrapped around him from behind, smiling when Jackson kissed the back of his neck.

"It feels so good to be free." Mark said.

"I'm proud of you, Mark. I love you." Jackson said, turning Mark around and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you too." Mark replied, wrapping his arms around Jackson's neck and pulling him into another kiss.

Mark couldn't be any happier now that he was free from all the urges to harm himself. He no longer cut, but he was still working on gaining an appetite back since he had a hard time keeping food down still. But, he knew that through time, he'd be back to how he was before his depression started.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked at Jackson, smiling at him.

"Thank you for being persistent with me even when I tried to ignore you. You saved me." He mumbled.

"I didn't save you, Mark. You saved yourself." Jackson said, confusion in his eyes.

Mark shook his head and smiled, tangling his fingers in Jackson's hair.

"I may have, but you were there with me when I made the decision. You're my savior." He said.

Jackson took in his words for a moment before smiling gently and pulling the older of the two into a hug, looking out at the water.

Mark hummed in content and looked out at the water as well, laying his head on Jackson's chest. He never knew that falling in love would help him become better. Rehab wasn't even what motivated him. Jackson was.

Jackson was his savior, and he knew that the younger would always be there for him.

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