Chapter Two

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The next day, Mark got out of bed reluctantly and mumbled to himself as he limped towards his bathroom, his leg having fallen asleep due to the position he was in previously. Going into the bathroom, he turned on the sink and started washing his face.

After that, he let out a sigh and looked at himself in the mirror. He had taken his shirt off during the night and he could see the many scars along his chest and stomach. He traced some of them, a grim expression on his face.

He wasn't happy that it all turned out like this, but it was his only way of comfort. He didn't know any way else, and telling another person about his problems wasn't what he wanted to do.

"Comfort." Mark whispered to himself, grabbing hold of his razor and bringing it to his side, sliding it along his hip and hissing lowly when it cut into his skin. Rubbing his eyes with his other hand, he grabbed a washcloth. Wetting it, he wiped at the blood and put it back onto the sink.

"Works every time." Mark said aloud, a small smile on his face when he started to feel better.

Placing the razor back into its original spot, he put a bit of gauze on his hip and looked back into the mirror, eyeing his rather skinny body. His hips and ribs were protruding, which would be a bad thing, but in Mark's mind, it was a good thing. He wasn't really fat anymore.

Mark blinked and turned towards the scale across from the toilet, going over and standing on it. It took a few seconds for it to register, but then the number '98' came up and made Mark frown.

'Too much.' He thought to himself before moving away from the scale and turning to the toilet.


Five minutes later, Mark wiped his mouth and walked out of the bathroom after literally forcing himself to throw up, even if there wasn't' anything in his stomach.

"Mark! You have to get ready for school!" Mark's dad called from the hallway before he opened Mark's bedroom door to look in at his son, who hurriedly put on a long sleeved shirt before his dad could see anything.

Nodding his head, Mark watched as his dad left the room before getting dressed. He pulled on a pair of sweat pants along with a hoodie over top of his shirt that he had chosen.

Avoiding the bathroom, Mark walked downstairs and grabbed his bag from the door, cracking his knuckles slightly as he passed the kitchen, his stomach churning almost immediately when the smell of food came his way.

"I'm eating at school again, Dad. Sorry." Mark called from the front door, not waiting for an answer as he opened the door and stepped outside, squinting a little when the sun shone in his eyes.

With a long sigh, Mark walked along the sidewalk to get to school, earphones in his ears as he listened to music, which was also a way to calm him down.


Mark got to school within ten minutes, his footsteps slowing slightly as he saw that a lot of students were out in the courtyard. They usually were, but it was a lot this time, which made him nervous.

Hands starting to clam up, Mark tried to find an easier route as he walked to the side, weaving through some people.

"Excuse me." Mark muttered softly, to which nobody heard because he was being too quiet.

Sighing, Mark felt slight panic start to cloud over his thoughts and he sped up a little, weaving through as many people as he could before tripping over someone's bag seconds later, falling onto the ground with a light 'thud'.


Mark heard the voice first before strong hands grabbed him by the arm to help him up. With a slight grunt, Mark remained standing and opened his eyes to look at Jackson, who was looking at him worriedly.

"Are you okay, Mark?" Jackson asked, seeming to have been asking that question a lot since yesterday.

Mark nodded his head, wringing his fingers for a few seconds before turning away from Jackson and walking up to the entrance, clutching his bag to his chest as he entered the building and went to his locker.

When he made it to his locker, Mark bit down on his lip and opened it, putting his bag inside and collecting the books he'd need for his first class.

"Mark." Jackson said from behind him, making Mark jump when a hand landed on his shoulder.

Placing a hand on his chest and taking a deep breath, Mark turned and faced Jackson, eyeing him for a moment.

"I'm fine, Jackson. I really am. How bout we go to the mall later after school?" Mark asked, surprised at himself for saying that, but he wanted to change the subject, not wanting anybody to worry about him.

Jackson was also surprised by that, but he nodded a moment later with a slight smile, although his eyes kept that worry in them. "Yeah, sure. Meet at your locker after school?" He asked.

Nodding dazedly, Mark shut his locker and walked to class, cursing himself for saying anything.

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