Chapter One

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Well hello guys! Julia here. I found this really amazing fanfiction on tumblr, called The Titanic. I am completely in love with it, so I decided to share it with you guys.


Alright, now that we're past that, here's Chapter 1!


AN: This was a requested fic, and I am fully aware that I’m not the first to have this idea. However, I’ve forgotten the URL of the person who was already writing a Titanic fic, so whoever you are - if you happen to stumble across this - if you’d like I can post a link to yours here because I don’t want anyone to think that I’m trying to steal their idea. 

Edit: Here is the link for the existing Titanic fic! 

(Thank you, Anon.) 

(Again, terrible at creating titles.)


The fog horn blasted through the air, making Louis jerk forward out of shock as that deafening boom sounded right behind him. A curse fell from his lips and he very nearly staggered over as that ringing horn continued to vibrate throughout the entire dock, rattling the floorboards beneath his feet and making his ears ache for several long, drawn-out seconds. He quickly saw that he was not the only one wincing away from the noise, and he watched as the dainty, gloved hands of the ladies standing opposite him lifted to delicately press against the ears to smother the noise. Their expressions were so comically horrified by the affronting sound that he let out a snort of laughter – just as the horn finished its blaring, in time for several coiffed heads to whip in his direction. They had clearly inferred the reason behind his amusement, and it didn’t help that he was still openly staring at them while he snuffled his laugh into an unconvincing sneeze, instead.

He heard Niall’s cackling laugh behind him the second that those noses turned up at him, but the scoffing sound only made the women turn their judgmental, beady eyes on him, too so that the Irishman’s loud chuckle cut off with a wince.

“Whoops,” Niall muttered, grinning, and Louis soon felt a pair of familiar, calloused hands tugging at his shoulders and twanging his braces until he took the hint and they both quickly skipped out further down the docks. He could feel those snobby gazes following them as they dashed out of the way, but they were quickly swallowed up by the rest of the assembled masses there in no time at all.

The crowd was absolutely enormous. Louis had seen his fair amount of crowds in his day, especially when he’d skipped over to the pub on a busy night or caught up with the other common folk on a soup night at the local shelter, so he was not usually perturbed by the massive amount of people that could collect in one area. He was used to dodging jabbing elbows and stomping feet and, like Niall, he was very well acquainted with slipping in between groups so that he could surreptitiously slide his way to the front of a queue without being overly distracted by the various, moving obstacles that stood in his path.

However, he was not accustomed to seeing quite so many posh, wealthy people crammed into one space – although he suspected that the experience was harsher on them that it was on him. The amount of parasols that had been withdrawn to shield the ladies’ pretty, white skin was truly astonishing, when really it hadn’t even hit high noon and the sun had only just barely graced the sky. Louis’ tanned skin only soaked up the sunshine that fell upon his face, so he was honestly baffled by the distress that was rolling through the upper class collective that were frantically trying to escape the cheery, golden rays that were shining down upon the dock.

The Titanic (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora