Annie told her she’d find out soon enough and she went to show her their room. Once Gabe finally came out of his room, he was completely surprised to find Kimi sitting at the table with us. We were playing a game of UNO since Kimi had gotten a pack of cards for Christmas from one of her cousins. She was beating us both with a huge smile on her face.

Kimi saw it the moment she saw Gabe. She knew just by that look alone that we hadn’t broke up but this one argument might be our breaking point. I was trying with Gabe but I don’t think he saw it that way.


December 31, 2010

The week flew by with Kimi with us. She loved Angel and Scott. She could get as hyper as the both of them when it came to something exciting. It was safe to say she loved Angel for more than his good looks. He really is a nice guy despite his sexuality.

New Years Eve came quickly. Gabe wasn’t pouting as much but he still had that look in his eye. Kimi, Annie, and I were with Angel and Scott in the city. Gabe had gotten a call from his father so he had to bolt at the last minute. I was so sure he was lying but I refused to call him out on it.

“So,” started Kimi leaning over the table drumming her fingers against the table, “what’s the plan for tonight? I mean I was hoping to get my shake down on before the ball drops.”

Annie and Angel start giggling at her dance reference. Her attitude was the reason why I missed her so much. She could take my mind off everything else going on around me. I could pretend for a moment that I really was single and that sitting on the side of single side of the table wasn’t because my boyfriend wanted to ditch me.

I sigh capturing their attention, “My mom has invited us to their party they are having. I’m sure it’s mostly to invite people to their wedding in March. We could stay there and dance a little because lets face it, she won’t be paying attention to us anyway. Afterward, we can go see the ball drop.”

Kimi and Annie share a look before Kimi grins, “That’s perfect. I mean I have a feeling that Gabe might attempt to ditch us during the festivities so if that happens Laura can hang out with Rob.”

The only problem with this is the fact that Angel and Scott have never met my mother. They don’t know about Robert and I sort of scared about their reaction.

“Great. Are Angel and Scott coming with us?”

Annie understands right away to where I’m going with my line of questioning. She turns toward Angel who’s grinning but Scott has noticed the tension.

“What’s going on here? I’ve noticed Gabe gone but mention of Laura’s mom has everyone tensed up.”

Annie glances toward me knowing this is my place. I groan sighing staring right at Angel and Scott. Angel has dropped the smile taking Scott’s hand.

“Angel, Scott, my mom is a celebrity assistant. The world knows her as Molly Scope.”

Angel gasps shaking his head, “That’s the woman who’s engaged to R-R…”

His eyes widen as he turns toward Scott, “Laura’s saying that her mom is engaged to be married to Robert Fucking Pattinson.”

Scott chuckles shaking his head glancing toward me, “Is that what you’re saying.”

I nod at him hoping that he won’t go all fan boy on us. Scott rubs his fingers over Angel’s knuckles, “Alright. I just hope that I still have a boyfriend after this. Angel has the biggest crush on that man.”

I chuckle while Kimi and Annie giggle their eyes directly at me. Of course Angel doesn’t miss the eye gaze as they glance between us.

“Alright,” says Angel, “we should go and get ready for tonight. I mean I want to make sure I have decent clothes for this. The girls will take until nightfall to get ready.”

Celebrity Love [Robert Pattinson Story] (Celebrity Crush Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now