That's why I was also happy in a way that we moved. Getting away from all of that drama will do us some good.
My mom had picked a town in Virginia. Virginia used to be her hometown but after her parents found out that she was pregnant they abounded her. She never told me the whole story. I guess it was too painful to talk about her past. She just said that they couldn't deal with her 'disgrace'.

"Girls try to keep it down our mom is still sleeping", Elias said to the both of us.

"I'll shut up when she leaves the bathroom," my sister said as harsh as always.

I didn't want to respond so I just sight and went into our room. As if it wasn't enough punishment to live with my sister I also had to share a room with her. We fought all the time. After a while our discussions became of so one-sided I would just laugh at her face and that just made her angrier. Then she would yell at me until my mother or my brother stop her. That has become an every day ritual in our house.

"The bus is here" I heard my mother scream from downstairs. I could hear the coffee machine making loud noises, which weren't supposed to happen, and then my mom cursing at the machine.

I have a theory that every family has a glue, something that keeps them together, something that proves that they share the same DNA and for us it's coffee. In our old town most of our friends believed in herbal tees and all of that stuff. For me that was weird. My mom was American and for her coffee was a must in the morning. Pretty soon my sibling and I stated getting used to it as well. My father tried to change that so that we don't drink to much caffeine but he couldn't.

I put my books that were lying on my table in my backpack and started to go downstairs. Elias was already at the door with his guitar case over his shoulder. Agatha was late as usual. After a while I noticed that I would be surprised if she were on time. We couldn't be any different I for one hate people who aren't on time or organized. As she was coming down the stairs she had her ear buds on. Probably listening to some teenage rebel song she got from her friends, I thought to myself. I didn't like judging my siblings but sometimes I just can't ignore it. The judgment is just there. I feel it coming and I'm sure that my sister is feeling me judge her as well. I wish we would get along better but that wouldn't be any fun now would it.

As we made our way threw the backyard to get to the bus Agatha started to read her edition of the magazine Cosmopolitan. And I got my own book out. I sat next to the girl I sat next to the last three days and as usual she ignored me the whole ride. I still can't believe that I haven't made one single friend these past three days. I though the whole friendship process would be easier like when you're little and just share toys with someone and instantly become friends.

Of course I didn't bring Barbie's or anything but I thought we'd find common ground and talk about it. I made my way threw the hall to my locker and opened it. I put my books in it and took out my biology file. I had biology next. If only I remembered where the classroom was. The school had assigned me a 'class-buddy' but the girl told me yesterday that she was just doing this for school credit and asked me if it would be okay if she ditched me from now on. I didn't want to sound like a helpless dork so I gave here a basic 'yeah whatever' nod.

When I finally found the biology room the second bell had already rang. The first few days we had a sub stent teacher she was nice but today was the day that I would get to know my real biology teacher. The sub stent teacher didn't get the information that I was new and I had no intention on reminding her. But this time it was inevitable. I had to introduce myself. The only problem was that I was not a good public speaker and in my old hometown everybody sort of knew each other. I never had to introduce myself before. But I had to get used to it. We weren't in Germany anymore. New country, new life was the selling pitch my mom gave us.

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