Status Asthmaticus

Start from the beginning

Scared, I looked around and grabbed a piece of the chair he had broken in the senior's back. Nervous, I took quick steps and tried to hit Liam, who smartly turned around and pushed me meters away. I felt my head hit and floor and closed my eyes in pain.

What was he doing?

"I can't let you kill me." Scott said, before turning to face the moon and turning into the werewolf he was.

Next thing I knew, they were rolling down the floor, Scott getting up and going against Liam, who threw him out on a table, breaking it. Seconds later, the beta scratched his alpha with his claws, repeatedly.

"Liam stop!" I screamed, getting up.

At the moment I wasn't a big fan of Scott, him not believing in the innocence of Stiles, but he was important for me and much more for my cousin, I couldn't let him die. Even if I hated him for the day.

"Liam!" I heard another voice. "Liam!" I turned around to see Mason. "Liam!" He yelled one last time.

Liam stopped scratching Scott with his arm in the hair and looked at his best friend.

"Liam, what are you doing?" Scott's body was laying down on the floor, motionless. Despite the dark, I could still see the blood in his face and clothes. Liam looked at his bloody hands, speechless. "She's gone. Hayden died a few minutes ago." I closed my eyes and let an unexpected tear fall. "She's gone."

Without a word, Liam left the library, running. Instantly, Mason and I went up to help Scott get up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"It's the super moon, it's jus-"

"Bad timing." I heard a familiar voice. Looking up from the floor, I saw Theo with an angry face walking towards us. "I mean seriously, you couldn't wait five minutes?" He said looking at Mason, consequently punching him, letting Scott fall onto me and leaving me confused. The freshman fell on the floor and I looked shocked at my boyfriend.

"What are you doing?" I asked, freaking out.

"It has nothing to do with you!" He said, shoving me away roughly, but not enough to make me fall or hurt me.

Theo said something to Scott, which I could not understand, and the alpha mentioned that now he would have to kill him himself, making me more in shock than I already was.

Seconds later, Theo's claws were plunged in Scott's abdomen, making me jump back, even though I was already far enough not to get hurt.

My mind stopped, confused. What was Theo doing? Stiles' warnings instantly flashed through my mind and I finally realized what was happening. Theo wasn't a good one, Stiles had always been right. From his point of view rhere was something off about the guy I liked, and now I could see it better than ever.

"They're not like you." I heard Scott whisper, seeming to make Theo even more angry. "They never will be." He looked at me, sadness and hurt in his eyes. "Skirt will never forgive you."

"Because I'm a chimera?" I popped my eyes and took a few more steps back, only realizing now the truth. "Because I'm not a real werewolf?"

"Because you're barely even human."

Before I could tell, Theo was running with his claws still on the alpha's abdomen towards the stairs, colliding his body to the steps. Getting up, I couldn't see a movement by Scott's part, getting to the conclusion he was either passed out or dead.

Theo walked patiently in my direction. I didn't move, I couldn't. Softly, he put one hand on my cheek and leaned his forehead on mine, staying still for a couple seconds, my eyes not leaving Scott's body.

"You were the only one I didn't mean to hurt in all of this." He whispered, kissing my head gently, before walking away.

I was paralyzed, feeling numb.

He had left his body there, laying on the staircase like it was just a doll. Not even looking back once. Simply walking away. Leaving him there. Leaving me there.

My head was heavy and my body shaking, my legs barely supporting me as I slowing moved forward. Dead tears ran down my face without my control. I didn't want to cry, but I would still do it. My heart was beating with an immense rage, suffering. Breaking itself into a million pieces for the same reason it fixed itself, and the only question running my mind was, Why?

I felt betrayed. Empty. And this time I couldn't go against any idea or sentence Stiles had the whole time, because he was right. He was always right, since the beginning. There was no hope now, no way to hide it. Where once I felt love, now I felt odium. I was just a broken soul watching a broken body, and I couldn't do anything.

I looked shocked at Mason, who now was next to the body, trying to get a reaction as his hands were bathing in the werewolf's blood. How sad were his eyes. I couldn't breathe. The pain I felt made it feel like it was never going to stop, watering my face with more salted tears. The sadness in my chest and the apparently inexistent air in my lungs made me feel crazy. That is not happening! That did just not happen! I thought. But it was happening and I was suffocating more and more as I stepped in closer to the boys.

I wanted to run. Go to sleep. Wake up without all the pain. I was dazed, disoriented, as I fell on my knees in front of them. "Scott..." I whispered inaudible, felling my body fall on the floor as I blacked out.



I was so looking forward to write this chapter, but as I found myself doing so, I panicked.

I ended up not knowing what to write about and it just came up like that.

I was also thinking that maybe Skirt could be a chimera? Not sure, tho. What do you think?

ALRIGHT, I'm going to publish the next chapter Monday, probably?


Honestly, just tell me what you're thinking about it, what you like or dislike... Anything.

Goodbye my loves x


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