i; the guide on not being a witness

Start from the beginning

In that stupid place, he felt safer than he had, and made his way over to the elevator. He pressed up, waved to the receptionist and stepped in when the cramped machine dinged and opened it's doors. When he entered, he saw blue eyes on his, and the eyes almost widened. Dan didn't know why, and he narrowed his eyes slightly as he turned away, trying to figure out who he was.

It never hit him; the obvious answer never touched the tip of his tongue.

That was obvious when he gave a small smile, almost shaking, and headed out of the elevator and towards the door of his home.

When he swung it open, that was when he broke down and started crying, shoulders shaking. He collapsed on his couch, fetal position the only one he could lie in without feeling like a murderer was going to stab his chest, and gave a half-broken whimper.

He felt like he was going to die.

It was on the news the next morning, flashing and warning him that he hadn't been dreaming of last night's scenario, and Dan's heart dropped way past his feet. He covered his mouth suddenly, choking on a cough that left it, and almost cried again. He could feel tears gathering in the edges of his dark eyes, and he wasn't going to cry again, he didn't feel like he could.

But he could have stopped that murder, stopped the Devil from killing that poor man.

Maybe he couldn't have, but the thought made him feel worse, and suddenly he wasn't really sure of anything. He didn't even seem sure he was really existing anymore, or if he was floating endlessly through his thoughts and speech. Maybe no one could see him--It wouldn't make a difference, but it would also cause a question. How had the Devil seen him?

There was a knock on his door, and Dan's head snapped up towards it. He gave a small sniffle and then opened the door, two police officers side by side. "Officer Jay and Officer Larsen, we're inspecting the murder of Jackson Hunt." introduced the female, green eyes on his like he was suddenly the suspect. "After analyzing the crime scene, we found some of your DNA, care to tell the story?" She raised her brows, and the man next to her rolled his own eyes.

"Don't accuse him of things, Jay. We already know who did it." Officer Larsen finally commented, and turned back to him, sighing. "Could we come in?"

Dan pulled the door open further, stepping aside to let them in, and looked around. "It's a mess, sorry." He mumbled, and Officer Larsen gave him a comforting smile.

"No problem, kiddo, most places are worse." He gave a side glance to his partner, "Anyways, what do you know about the 'Devil of London'?" He asked finally, voice soft, and Dan almost trembled at the name.

"He's a monster."

hey ! <3

it's me, and i hope your life is great, and mine's been cool and p chill. i'm gonna update most of my fics this weekend ;)

out of context, this will make 0 sense, but...

out of context, this will make 0 sense, but

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