
527 19 15

5 years later

Erina's POV:

"Mami, you look beautiful!" Alina exclaimed.

"Thank you amor" i smiled.

I was getting my hair and make-up done for my weddinng.

"Tía! I don't want too" Eliana whined

"Come on Eliana, mãe wants it. Gala and Alina already have it on" Rafaella looked at me.

"Please Eliana for me and papi?" I looked at her.

She sighs and sat down in the chair so they can do her hair.

"I will get a lollypop for this" she mumbled making us chuckle.

"So done!" They said as they backed away looking at me.

"You look beautiful!" Melissa and Carolina said at the same time.

"Thank you" i mumbled blushing.

"I'm coming in! So if you are naked your loss!" Alexis yelled.

He walked inside and looked around the room, when our eyes met his was shocked.

"Y-you look y-you look..." Carolina slapped him at the back of his head

"Breath taking" he smiled proudly.

"Gracias" i smiled

"I uhm Marc and Eric are also on there way but i want to talk to you first?" Alexis said.

They all nodded and me and him got into another room.

"So? What is it?" I asked looking at him.

"I just wanted to tell you that..." He sighs and looked down.

"You've been through so much and everytime you wanted to give up you just stand up again, you have been a strong women since i know you. I have admired you since the day i saw you with Marc, you are my little sister like we are twins because everytime something happens to you or you got something i feel it. I'm so proud of what you become today, i love you and wish you a great life" at this point he was crying and i was also crying, there goes my make-up.

"So you heared the lecture?" Marc whispered with Eric behind him.

I nod and they walked over to me, we did a group hug and you could only hear sobs.

"Thank you for what you have done for me" i cried

"You mean so much to me, if i could do something i would do it" i sobbed.

"Be happy? That's all I ask.. That's all we ask" Eric smiled

I smiled through my tears and hugged them again.

"Damn it guys! Her make-up!!!" Toni yelled.

"Antonella" Carolina laughed

"Get your ass down here!" She hissed at me.

I kissed each of them on their cheek and walked back to my place.

They did my make-up again and put on my gown.

I was getting myself checked when there was a knock on the door.

"You ready?" Marc smiled

"More than ready" i smiled

He put his arm out for me and i grabbed it, we walked slowly to the door and waited for our cue.

I was holding his arm tight and bit nervously on my tongue.

"It's going to be alright" marc reassured me.


After the ceremony I changed my dress in something more flowy and i was now slowdancing with Neymar.

"The perfect day with my perfect wife" he whispered in my ear making me smile.

"Thank you" i smiled widely and kissed him.

We heared clapping and then we sat down.

I saw Eliana, Alina, Gala, Davi, Thiago and Milan dancing on the dance floor making us all laugh.

Eliana was with Milan, Alina was with Thiago and Davi was with Gala they did a slowmotion dance which make us laugh even harder.

"Alina! Tu es mi amores (your my love)" Thiago said kissing her cheek.

"Gracias" she blushed and looked at the floor.

"Wow wow! Messi! We need to talk!" Neymar shouted.

"Yeah! What is your daughter doing with my man!?" Messi said fake angry.

"They look so cute!" Toni said in an awh. "Thiago!! Ask her to marry you!" Rafaella yelled.

"WOW GUYS!" Neymar got up but i pulled him back hard looking at him sternly.

"Alina, te casarias conmigo" Thiago asked her and she hugged him. "Sii!" She yelled.

"This is so cute filho she is growing so fast!" My mother in law now nadine cried.

"Yeah don't remind me" Neymar said annoyed. "Oy Thiago biena!" He yelled

He came hand in hand with Alina and looked at him "yes tío Neymar" he smiled big, he is so cute.

"You promise to take care of her?" He looked at him sternly "si tío Neymar" he nodded.

"Okay then, i will bless this" neymar smiled. "WOW wow! Hold that!" Leo yelled but Toni pushed him back slapping the back of his head.

"Tío Alex! Don't be angry" Alina ran over to him. "You said you love me" Alex pouted "i can love you both right?" She hugged him "i can live with that" Alex hugged her back and picked her up.

My life has been a rollercoaster, i went through good times and through bad times.

Through easy times and through hard times, but i always had someone that was by my side.

After all these tears and pucking up my pieces i have chosrn which one is going to last with me forever.

I love him with all my heart and i now have 2 incredible kids with him. My 2 little princeses, i feel like my life is compleet and that this all is just a dream and in any moment i wake up with Marc jumping on me.

Thank you all for being on the road with me throught these hard koments and joyfull moments!

And don't forget always follow your heart! Te quiero mucho x Rina

Guys i'm so so soryy but it all has been soo stresfull just no time, my brother is getting married soon, my grandma was in the hospitel my little neohew is really sick soo i really had no time nor focus.

I hope you all liked my story i love you all and thank you so much for voting❤️

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