Chapter 16 waterpark

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Erina's POV:

Me and Alina got to the elevator to get to the car of Marc.

It was 1 PM so it was a great time now to go out.

I have to get a heart break i know that but i am just so tired of crying and carring that i just let it be.

If you want to be happy stop carring about what people think or what people do to you. There will always be people that will hurt you that's normal but don't let them get to your head.

I got in the car with Alina and we drove to Marc's hotel where everybody was waiting for us.

"Looking nice" morata winked

"Dude watch out" Gerard warned him

"What i was just playing" he laughed

"You know the colombian team is also going to the waterpark" isco informed

"What? Are we going to a waterpark? Marc you didn't told me anything" i whined

"You can buy swimwear there" he respond

"I hope so" i glared at him

"Can we go now?" Shakira asked

"Sure" they all said.

We all got to in a car, i was with Marc, Melissa and Gala in the car.

We drove for 20 minutes and then waited for the others.

"Mãe i am hungry" she pout

"Let me get your bag, want a cookie?" I ask her as i looked through her bag.

"Siii mamãe" she yelled.

"Gala want a cookie too?" I turn around as i give her one

She kissed my cheek and got to Melissa.

"Madre what are we going to do?" Alina asked me

"A lot of things mi amor" i say to her as we walked further.

Brazil was truly beautiful, there were a lot of people dancing the capoeira.

I love this culture and it was different then Spain.

We walked a little more exploring the city and then got to a restaurant.

"Shots shots shots" Jordi shouted

"Dude we are not getting shots" Gerard glared at him.

We all had our family with us so this was a really family trip.

"Padre!" Milan yelled happy as Morata chased him.

We got our food and ate it, it was a little loud because of all the children yelling and laughingb and the guys talking with eachother.

"This is so much better than clubbing" Pilar laughed

"Yeah it is" i chuckle

"Girls are you done?" Sergio asked

"Yes why?" I ask

"Because we have to go to the waterpark"

"Yeah we are done" Pilar said

We got up and we walked back to our cars.

The waterpark was not really in Rio but a little further.

We drove for like 40 minutes, i was on my phone looking through Instagram.

"Mãe make a picture" Alina said as she stick her tongue out.

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