The sound of someone whistling caught our attention. We turned to see Jacob come out of his rabbit while Paul and Jared followed. Apparently Paul's car was getting its paint redone so Jacob was the little soccer mom getting the children. I would've offered to pick them up but I only just found out. Besides, Quil just drove up with Brady, Seth, and Colin.

"You ready for school?" It seemed to be the popular question today. Paul had done the honors to ask. I groaned once again and buried my head into Embry's shoulders. I missed the teasing looks his friends gave him.

"She doesn't wanna be here...again." Embry answered for me. "Even though it's her first day at La Push."

"I meant schools in general Embry!!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." My alarm went off which meant it was 8:15. Just fifteen more minutes until I had to redo all the classes I took last semester.

"Can I skip?" I whined as Embry helped me down. They all said no. My book bag slung over my shoulder as we all walked towards the front doors of the building. I ignored the stares people threw our way. Girls looked at me with envy and disgust. Probably cause they wanted to be with the guys, and the boys looked dazed and confused. Alexis had been at her locker when she saw the lot of us pass by and joined the group. "Can I skip?" I asked my sister with pouted lips. She shook her head.

"You need to be diligent with your studies Tristan." Alexis began to recite an old tirade my mom had given me a couple years back. "You can be squandering off with those group of girls anymore. They're a waste of time. All they think about are boys and Britney Spears." Mom thought I had gotten an F on the paper, when I really had gotten an A+. There had been another Tristan in the class and the papers had gotten mixed up. She and I laughed at our little inside joke before we said goodbye. Her class was at the far end of the school, Seth bid us farewell along with Alexis. Piece by piece the guys left for their respective classes as well which only left Embry and I.

"I'll show you around to each class." Embry concluded as he grabbed the schedule I took from my house. He and I entered our first class together, French. "Make sure you don't... oh I dunno, trip over a rock and fall into a ditch." He recited he words from the first night we were together. I busted out laughing at his comment. Which I tried to silence with a hand that covered my mouth. It grabbed some of the attention from the small amount of students who got to class early. There it was again, that look of envy in those girls eyes. It was getting tiring. I could understand why Alexis didn't want to go for Seth yet.


"Aw Lex, I packed you lunch." I huffed when I saw her come to our table with a tray of food. Embry had followed behind her along with Seth. He and I didn't have class together before this, instead I had been with Quil. So we were the first to grab a table for the group. We sat at a long, rectangular table. Apparently the school had three lunch periods in a row for a certain number of students to have. Thankfully a majority of the guys had been with me on the same period. The only person missing were Colin. The day went by with ease. The classes were easy to catch up with and I already learned many things similar to the lessons they were teaching. The year would be a breeze.

"I'm sorry I forgot you do stuff like that." Alexis looked guilty when she apologized. "But hey you got a pack of hungry wolves right here." She motioned to the boys. They all seemed to change demeanor almost immediately. They went from happy, and boisterous laughter to solemn faces. Was it something she said? Alexis and I threw each other confused glances. "Did I offend you guys? You aren't fat if that's what you're thinking." I could tell she had never seen them this way before. Something clicked in their head and they went back to how they were before.


"I mean it's for whoe–" I had the bag in my hand and held up over the middle of the table. Before I could even finish my sentence, all hands went for it but Brady had won. "Jesus you guys are always so hungry! Where do you find the time to ever work out?" I was bewildered.

"We get our exercise from going in and out of your house every time you feed us." Quil joked before he began to eat his lunch. I rolled my eyes. They all quipped on how they really enjoyed the meals I've prepared for them and would love to have that Sunday brunch be a thing every week. I didn't mind that at all. Then they brought up Emily once again. "Oh god. Could you guys just imagine! If Emily and Tristan got together and just had a bake off!" The guys marveled at the idea and said that Alexis and I had to meet her immediately. Apparently Emily fed the guys almost every day. The poor woman.

"As long as I can get you guys off her hand every now and then. I don't mind have you guys over!" I chuckled as I worked on my sandwich. Embry had been quieter than he usually was. I glanced over his direction and he had been staring directly at me. I blushed deeply. "Are you okay?" I whispered loudly enough for him to hear me. My hand was placed over his arm lightly. Embry nodded his head before turned over to talk to Jared. Okay weird. He was fine just a moment ago.

"So have you made any girl friends!" Alexis emphasized the "girl" word.

"Absolutely not." My face scrunched up in disgust. "First of all, I have enough female friends back home. Second these girls here are too uptight. Third, the guys have been taking up my time. And did I mention the girls crazy pretentious?" I rolled my eyes and tossed my garbage in my little brown bag. "Like seriously, every time the guys come by the halls, they push out their chest more and bat their eyelashes." The only one who fed into it was Paul. He took that to his advantage and flirted with any girl he wanted to at the moment.

"Hey I love it." Paul looked offended.

"God Paul, I feel bad for your future girlfriend." I teased him.

"I don't believe in those."

Lunch had come to an end. Again, we all separated for our respective classes. The next was with Paul. Embry had sped off and I didn't understand what was his problem was. He was perfectly fine this morning with me. I hoped everything was okay. Paul kept throwing winks and smiles at the girls who he walked passed. I thought it was cliched that there could be a boy hot enough to evict those types of attitudes in girls. Then again, if Embry were to throw a wink and smile at me I would've fawned over him. Paul did the unthinkable and threw an arm around me just to mess with one of the girls. I threw him a glare when another girl threw me one.

"What was that for!" I angrily threw his arm off me when we walked into our next class together. Paul was dying of laughter. "I don't need these girls to hate my any more than they already do." I snapped at him.

"As if you care Tristan." He had a smile on his face. I didn't and he knew which is why he did it. He sat back into the seat and watched as the class poured in with other people.

"Hey what was up with Embry earlier?" I opened my book to do homework from a previous class. "He seemed... off." Paul's demeanor seemed to change. He just shrugged his shoulders and muttered something about talking to someone earlier. I couldn't catch the name.

"It's really not my place to say."

"Say what? What do you mean?"

"You should really talk to Embry about it." Paul was being cryptic. It annoyed me.

"What do you—" The teacher burst through the doors and demanded we turn in the homework from last Friday to someone else to grade. I didn't have anything to turn in because I was still new. Paul handed me his paper seeing how we sat next to each other. So he could shut me up and also not do any real work for the first ten minutes. "I'll seriously feel bad for your future girlfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"Just talk to Embry. He's like an open book with you." Paul admitted as he doodled all over an empty sheet of paper. They were going over the questions collectively as a class. If I had been called on I used the answers off Paul's paper. Which he got right. Each and every one of them. He was smarter than he made off to be. I asked why Embry would be an open book with me. Why me? "Just... talk to him Tristan." He was knew something. For the rest of the period I tried to pry the information out of him. He wouldn't budge. He was adamant on not spilling these beans. It frustrates me but once the bell rang, I had no choice but to ask Embry.

[A/N: Okay so I have so many people to thank. Like you guys are actually making me nervous with all the feedback but I totally appreciate it & I'm glad you guys are liking it so far!! First off marvel-girl001 of course for voting again but also to AaliyahQueen and bunnybaby786 for commenting and voting too!! Thanks guys I appreciate it tons ❤️)

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