Chapter 12 - The Wonders Of Rain

Start from the beginning

How I found out? I may or may not have smelled my handkerchief out of sheer curiosity. He doesn’t have a fever though, he was just really scared. Now he started trembling and I really didn’t know what I could do to comfort him.

He was obviously cold.

Hey, he did treat me really well before, so I guess this is how I can repay him.

But the question is, how?

I looked around for something to serve as a blanket. When I saw a coat from the coat hanger that was casually standing right beside the couch, I grabbed at it and started cleaning it with the utensils we brought.

I walked slowly to the couch and kneeled down. I saw a bead of sweat slowly crossing Damien’s face so I wiped it off. I lifted the coat (the clean one) and placed it on top of him.

I tucked it in softly, and at the sudden amount of warmth he experienced, he slightly moaned with approval. My hands were still there, tucking him off to sleep, my knuckles brushing softly against his jaw.

Gosh, I feel so maternal. I should probably remove my hands now, because I felt really awkward having any contact with Damien’s skin. I surely but slowly started to remove my hands because-


The thunder roared and I felt my hand get heavier.

I looked down and what I saw sobered me up.

Damien was holding my hand. Tightly.

“Please don’t leave me.” He whispered deliberately, his voice thick with drowsiness. He clutched my hand tightly and nuzzled his nose deeper in it.

“Um,” I muttered, quite alarmed. He was back to that frustrated Damien I managed to calm down a while ago. I tried pulling my hand away, but he just tugged me back with reasonable force.

“Make it stop.” I looked at him and he was trying to open his eyes. “Please don’t go.”

Is he referring to me as his mom? This was pretty weird, but I was starting to see another side of Damien. Gone was the cool, suave, and confident dude I knew, hello to this vulnerable little cutie in front of me.

Cutie? Who the heck uses that word nowadays? Gosh, I sound like an overly excited teenage girl. (Which I am?)

“I- I won’t.” I said uncertainly. He smiled a small smile and quickly, brushed a kiss on the palm of my hand.

And at this point, I really didn’t know how to react.

I was still kneeling, but now I have adjusted to a more comfortable position beside the couch. I patted his stomach in an attempt to make him feel better and it miraculously worked. Drowsiness dawned on me, and before I knew it,

I was already asleep as a baby.



I woke up to the sound of Damien’s voice.

It was already sunny outside, and I swore I almost heard birds chirping happily. I lifted my right hand to shield my eyes from the brightness, when I realized that I was still holding Damien’s as well. And that I was lying down on his shoulder.

He looked so confused so I started babbling.

“This is not what you think it is.” I explained. “Th-there was thunder and you were freaking out, and I didn’t know what to do so I—“

“Am I thinking what I think I’m thinking?” He said to me, a devilish grin on his face. Swiftly, he started leaning into me.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking you’re thinking?” I responded, already ready to dodge away from him, if ever something happened.

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