First Ally/Don't Lose Me

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______'s P.V

I had no magic or friends. I was just mere traveler, I usually would help people and then they would forget me within a second. I didn't mind as long they were safe. I approached a bar and saw a card game play in which I watched since I was interested. The drunk guys would lose to a person around my age even he was short. I glanced at him and he was staring at me so I walked away quickly. I asked the bartender for water, she served it for me free of charge.

Eclipse Scorpio's P.V 

Strange female, she has celestial magic, but it's different it seems more dark. I walked to seat next to her and smiled kindly at her. "Hello. What's your name?" She smiled and told me her name then one of the drunk idiots walked up to me and picked me up by the collar. I glanced at me then he seemed angry, but I didn't care then he raised his fist. But never felt it then I saw the girl on the floor. His friends came near her and I sighed knowing I'm going to regret this. "Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with your stupid lives." They began to punch and kick me even it hurt, I felt good. I don't know why then I felt my hand touch something soft and warm then I was being pulled away.

______'s P.V

I pulled his hand while running out of the bar to the forest. We kept going till I felt tired and sat down. He looked confused at me, he asked, "Why did you help me?" I giggled while saying, "Isn't it obvious? I owed you for standing up for me plus it isn't fair for someone to get hurt by others for no reason. Well I guess you need to go on your way so thank you for everything and at least don't forget me..." I smiled sadly.

Eclipse Scorpio's P.V

She had tears in her eyes and sad smile, either way I have no where to go and I owe her for saving me for them or else they would of done worse. What's the whole point of freedom when I receive pain from those who hated plus she's different than other people I've seen. "I'm.....the eclipse spirit....Scorpio. I owe my life for you for making me see the different side of people so....let me be your spirit." I handed her the key and she looked confused at me then she smiled. She hugged me tightly while repeatedly saying thank you. I told her one last thing, "I can live more than 12 days thank you. I won't die now, but there are 11 eclipse spirits who have 12 days to live. I know it'll be hard, but can you help them." She nodded as she followed me while we headed to bigger forest with animals.

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