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Cat was laughing at how sentimental we were being after 1 night apart. I kissed the kids and Phil once more before turning to the door, as Joey walked in crying his eyes out. Phil wrapped his hand around my waist and I asked,
"Hey Joey, you ok?" Through his sobs he said,
"No I'm not AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I broke away from Phil and grabbed Auriella while Phil grabbed Winnie, "Sorry Dan. It's really not your fault, I'm just so frustrated. Why would he do that to me? I hate him. I really hate him," I interrupted him,
"But let me guess? You still love him?"
"Yea, how did you know?"
"Well, a long time ago when Phil and I weren't together, we hated each other yet we still loved each other. Sometimes you just have to pick one, once we realized there was absolutely no reason to hate each other we traded all our pretend anger which was really just the anger we had toward other people and traded it for well intense sessions of practice for kids." I looked down at the kids confused faces,
"What?" Winnie asked,
"Oh well we practiced our interview so that we could get you."
"Oh." He smiled. I looked over at Phil who looked distant and had a plastered fake smile. "Daddy what's wrong?" Phil spoke,
"I'm fine Winston." He never calls Winnie Winston unless he's somewhere else, unless he's in a depressed state. I looked into his eyes and he dropped Winnie. "I have to go to the rest room"
"Try again." I whispered, "watch the kids, Cat?"
"Sure." I started walking behind Phil and he turned around crying, he buried his face in my neck and I walked him into the bathroom as we collapsed on the floor be started to breathe slower.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"I started to think way back before we got together, when I cut, when I would do anything to die. Then I thought what do I have to live for? My husband, my kids, I started to imagine you guys crying if I died so I mentally broke down because I didn't want tot imagine you guys that sad." I kissed him and he kissed back. I lifted him up, still locked in our kiss, I pulled apart, wiped his tears and we both said the same thing "We gotta help Joey." We walked out and saw Joey and Cat hugging. Once they pulled apart I looked him right in the eye and so did Phil, I didn't except Phil to speak,
"Why are you wasting tears over him? He's pathetic! If Dan cheated on me, I wouldn't be sad like this, I would be furious! Get mad! Smash something of his, rip his clothing! Hey Joey?"
"How good would it feel to burn something? Of his?"
"Sooooooo fuckin good Phil." I interrupted, "Language!"
"Sorry Dan. Phil, you know what else would feel really good?" He looked real confused,
"What?" He grabbed Phil's face and they almost connected lips before I pulled him off Phil and shouted,
"SERIOUSLY?! YOUR BOYFRIEND JUST DID THIS TO YOU AND NOW YOUR DOING IT TO MY HUSBAND?! IDIOT! IF YOU WERE'NT GOING THROUGH A HEART BREAK I WOULD PUNCH YOU SQUARE IN THE JAW!" I grabbed Phil's face and kissed him, he kissed back. I then realized I just shouted right in front of the kids. They were cheering for me. My kids were cheering for me. "GO DAD!" "WOOO!" "Awe you guys are so cute." 
"Well excuse me for interrupting, but this is a disaster, we have to work all this out." My mom said standing at the door. We decided to listen to her and we all sat on the couch. The kids were snuggling with my mom, Phil and I were holding hands while Cat and Joey were sitting on a short couch across from us. "Call Daniel."
"Absolutely not!"
"Do you want to fix anything?"
"Whatever fine Mrs.Howell."
"Hey Daniel. Come back to Cats."
"Hey Joey yeah I'm coming."
"He's on his way." And a few minutes later he showed up. "Hey Daniel."
"Listen Dan, I'm really deeply sorry, I shouldn't have done that it's just, sometimes I see you and Phil and your kids. I just want that, so bad."
"You had that with me Daniel! We had so much together Daniel. And that's over now." A pissed off Joey spoke. "I'm so sorry Joey. But I'm not going to ask for you back." "Good."
"Ok, so Cat, Dan, Phil, Auri, and Winnie are staying with you, I'm staying at the hotel down the street, and Joey is going home. Thank you for your help Joey, it's appreciated." My moms phone started ringing and she answered,
"Mrs.Howell? Your husband has just passed away in the hospital, I'm sorry to break the news to you."
"Oh," and she hung up. She started crying,
"He's dead, your fathers dead."
"Oh my god."
"Grandpa died?!" The kids burst into tears, I was crying a bit and so was Phil, we grabbed the kids and held them close, when we find Chris we were gonna kill him. We don't need another person ruining our plans for happiness.

I took a break over the winter holidays, but I'm back now and things are finally starting to get interesting. Ok ilyg bye <3

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