Chapter 2

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(Previous chapter: "But you stop talking to me!" I said, tears in my eyes. Andrew smiled sympathetically. "Because the medicine doesn't let me talk, but I promise, I won't ever leave you alone. Okay?" He said. I smiled. "Okay, Andrew." I said, and wiped my eyes.)


"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most." ~Mark Twain

Chapter 2:

Andrew is right, I thought. How could I have doubted him? I should be ashamed. I don't need friends, that's like saying I don't appreciate the company I already have. But I was afraid. Andrew is my only friends, everyone else... I'm afraid of.

You don't need to be afraid. I'm always here with you.

But you go away when Sith takes control of my thoughts, I complained to Andrew.

I am still with you. And no one has control of your thoughts. If you allow yourself  to be controlled over people, or... your mind, you will lose control of your life.

I thought about what Andrew told me. I need to take control of my mind, of my life. I can't let Sith boss me around and make my life miserable.

I got up and put the paper plate in the trash after I finished eating, and began my way back to my room.

I grabbed the cold, brass doorknob and turned it but stopped when I thought I had heard someone in my room. I let go of the knob, and pressed my body against the door. I turned my head and leaned my ear to try to hear who... or what was in my room.

"Hmm." I heard a muffled male voice say from beyond my room. I held my breath. There was a boy in my room. Why was he in there? What was he doing? Should I open the door?

Open the door.

The sound of Andrew's voice in my head calmed me suddenly. I turned the knob and opened the door to my room. There was a boy with messy black hair and blue eyes. My mouth dropped, he was very handsome.
I caught myself quickly and composed myself. I put a hand on my hip. "What are you doing in my room?" I asked him, with a raised eyebrow.

He paid no mind to me. He had his eyes glued to a book he held in his hands. I took a few steps further into my room and cleared my throat.
*Ahem* "I asked you a question." I said, trying to sound intimidating.

Elizabeth, your diary.

My diary? What are you talking about, Andrew?

He's reading your diary.

I gasped and snatched the book out of the boys' hands. "You can't just go peeping about in other peoples' belongings!" I yelled at him, angrily.

He yawned and looked up at me from where he sat on my bed. "Oh, my bad." He said in a deep, unapologetic voice. I groaned angrily. "Get out of my room." I demanded.

"You hear them, too." He said, dismissing my previous demand. "What?" I asked. "You hear them. Voices, I mean. You hear them, too." He clarified. I studied the mysterious boy. "Are you saying that you're just like me?" I asked.

He nodded, and stood up. "My name is Jacob." He said. He began to walk towards the door.
No way, I thought. Someone like me? He must understand what it's like.

I grabbed his hand in a hurry before he had gone. "My name is Elizabeth." I said, smiling. He didn't return the smile. He gave me a smug look and took his hand from mine and left.

I plopped myself on my bed and smiled. Maybe Andrew isn't right... maybe I can have a friend. It would be so much easier if I could just know someone who understood what it's like.

I'm not wrong, Elizabeth. You really don't need friends so long as you have me.

Well maybe I don't need one, but could I have one?

I don't think you should trust him. He could be lying just to get to you. And what was he doing in your room? You don't find that suspicious?

I thought about it. I mean, yeah, he was snooping around. Some people are too curious for their own good. He couldn't have meant any harm, I don't have anything to steal and nothing seems to be missing. 

My mind wandered off from Jacob and I began to think of my mom. My memories of her were distorted. Sometimes I felt heartbroken because she doesn't visit me. I haven't seen her in years. Was I that much of a burden to her as a child? How could she just leave me here?

"Elizabeth Hammond. Elizabeth Hammond. Please report to the registration office, please." The intercom boomed. I wished they'd turn the volume down just a tad bit. The speakers were so loud they vibrated the walls in my room and the small room made any loud noise bounce off the walls and intensify. But oddly, what would they want with me at the registration office? Typically, after your first day here and you're checked in as a resident you never see the registration office again unless you have a visitor or you're leaving. My heart began to race, I couldn't tell if I was having an anxiety attack or if it was excitement mixed with apprehension. How convenient was it that as I thought of my mother, I have a visitor? I raced to the registration office with eagerness. 

"Slow down, Hammond!" The janitor that I ran past yelled at. He was my favorite. He was the kindest to me. Mr. Levi. I ignored him though and kept running until I got to the office. I came in before I could realize that I didn't even knock. 

"Uh, hey, Ms. Hammond... What's the rush?" The woman at the front office asked. I didn't even know who she was. She wasn't the same person I met when my mother first came here with me. I really have been here a long time. I've seen many people come and go, I've been one of the only remainders.

I looked around the office and my smile faded. I felt my heart in my feet. "Uh, don't I have a visitor?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she cleared her throat. She avoided eye contact with me like she was nervous in what she was about to say. "No, unfortunately, I'm sorry."

I nodded slowly. I've never been so disappointed in my life. I took a seat and sighed to myself. "Why am I here?"

The lady took a deep breath before attempting to locate her words. "Well, Ms. Hammond..." She trailed off again. "Just spit it out!" I heard Andrew speaking as I spoke, my words just kind of flew through me. I wasn't even thinking of saying that. I fiddled with my fingers and sat back down, realizing I actually stood up in my outburst. "I'm sorry, I mean, go ahead..." I said, quietly. I was embarrassed. Why did I react like that?

"Ms. Hammond your mother passed away the other day." She let her words sink in before saying anything more.

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