Chapter eight

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Chapter 8-

You get to find out what the note sayssss! And sorry i didn't update yesterday I've been so sick lately

Amanda's POV

I left Katie and Liv at the apartment and Liv told me to take the rest of the day off. I told Katie to call me later on knowing she would have questions after she found the note I left when I was cleaning up the apartment.

Katie's POV

I slowly picked up the small white envelope and sat down on my bed. I stared at it for a while then I decided to open it. Inside were two notes marked 1 and 2. I opened the one marked 1 first and unfolded it. I read it whispering to myself,

You are like a daughter to me and I hate to see you so upset. The second note is something I had written for you when you were little, I wanted to give it to you when the time was right. I wrote it then to give you my unbiased emotions, I think something like this would have helped me when I went through something similar"

I paused "something similar" I said to myself before I continued to read

"i know this would have helped me so I think it's the right time, just remember I'm here for you anytime you need and come over anytime you need to get away, love you, Amanda"

I picked up the second note and held it in my hands for a while not knowing what to expect. I soon brought myself to open it then I heard the door close and Liv called me for dinner. "Coming" I called back.

I walked into the kitchen with the smell of New York pizza hitting my nose immediately. I looked over to see the movie the Wizard of Oz laying on the coffee table next to two plates, some napkins and two glasses of water. Liv caught me glancing at her movie choice and I smiled at her before she got the wrong impression, "it was your favorite ever since you were little" Liv said motioning toward the movie "I would put the part on with Dorothy clicking her heels and talking to Toto and you would stop crying" she said holding back tears of fondness "it's not that simple when you get older now is it?" She chocked down the rest of her tears and wrapped me up in a hug.

We sat down on the couch and Liv put the movie in and hit play, she grabbed the remote and a large blanket for the two of us to share. We started to eat the pizza and I forgot the past few days for a while. I finished my pizza and pulled the blanket up to my chin and laid my head on her shoulder.

I fell asleep laying there and woke up as the movie ended. I was exhausted from the past few day's "festivities." Liv carried me into bed, as I was rather small for my age, sill wrapped in the blanket. She gave me a kiss and started to walk to her room "wait" I said still half asleep "huh Kate" she said a bit tired herself "oh um never mind" i said "you sure" she said more attentive now, "yes, um well goodnight mom" I said "I love you" I added as she left "I love you too baby" she said as she softly closed my door. Truth is I was scared of another nightmare about Auggie, the texts hadn't stopped and now they were increasing in amount as the night turned to dawn.

I sat there reading them and then the small white paper caught my eye, "the note" I said to myself reaching for it. Remembering it was dark and I was practically blind without my glasses, I slipped them on and began to read the handwriting on the small sheet of notebook paper,

I'm sitting here next to your crib, your mom just went out to get some more formula. You are such an angel when you sleep, so peaceful. You have brought so much joy to your mom and coming here to babysit is always the highlight of my day. Now that you are here I couldn't imagine the world with out you and your mom couldn't either. If you are reading this letter things have probably been pretty hard for you lately. I wrote this to remind you in your later years that you are so worth it. I will always be here for you my little love-bug.
Auntie Amanda"

I pulled the letter close to my chest and started to sob, that was one of the sweetest things I had ever read.  It was about 2am, too late to call Amanda now. I texted her "can I come over later today?" Without waiting for a reply I slipped my phone back under my pillow. I read the letter again and again that night in Amanda's voice, slowly drifting off to sleep. The words on the page kept playing through my head like a record over and over.

This chapter was kinda short, stay tuned! :)

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