City Girl Gone Country

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City girl gone country

Hi my names Charlotte I live in New York with my Father, Stepmother and my Step Sister, gosh I hate Kim so much. I love my dad, I'm a true daddy's girl I get everything I want, yeah I know what your thinking spoilt rich girl but that's where your wrong because the one thing I really want is my mother.

My Mum and Dad split when I was three years old, I also have a twin brother my dad told me about him when I was ten. I ask about them all the time but my dad silences me or Lily-Anne my step mother walks into the room, all I know about my brother is that his name is Tyler, he lives with my mother and that he is sixteen (same as me) and I think that's all I'm going to know.

It was Sunday when my dad told me that I was going away for the summer, I was so excited because I thought I would be going to England I've always wanted to go to England, but Dad said I was going to some place named Tenesie, I had never really heard about Tenesie so I searched it up on the internet and found out that it is a little country town, looks like I'm going shopping!!

When I get to the mall I quickly go and get a banana smoothie, I start walking around and spot my favourite shop forever 21, I throw my empty smoothie cup in the bin and walk straight up to this bright red top, I pick it up, take it to the changing room, put it on and take a photo then send them to my best friend Evan,

To: Evan :)

What do you think? 

(Photo link)

I take off the top get dressed and look at the other stuff in the store, I find a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a white tank top and a pair of black leggings. I pull out my phone and see I have a text from Evan

From: Evan :)

Looking good! Why the shopping trip?

I smile as I walk to the counter I pay for my stuff and walk to the nearest shoe store, when I get in I look at the converse and vans, I find a pair of Mickey Mouse hi topped converse, and a pair of Sky Blue Vans, I ask the sales assistance if he has a females size six, when he brings them back I smile and hand him the two hundred dollars, and walk out, then I hear my phone go off I grab it to see a text from my Dad,

From: Daddy

Hey hun When will you be home? Thinking of having a family tea b4 you leave tomorrow.

To: Daddy

Hi thinking of leaving in the next twenty minutes? and sounds good can't wait!

I decide to reply to Evans text as well,

To: Evan :)

Thanks!! I'm going to Tenesie? Sounds country, I also got other clothes but will show you later, Loves Ya Babes

I turn my head and see the most BEAUTIFUL cream sweater, I walk into the shop to see if they have my size, 18, 14, 10 yes size 8, I walk up to the counter but I pick up two pairs of denim shorts after I pay for my clothing I head out to my red truck. when I get home I head up to my bedroom so I can put away my clothes, I grab my big black suitcase and put it on my bed so I can pack straight after tea, I change into some sweatpants and walk down the stairs I find my dad and step sister talking in the lounge I ignore them and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, but I stop to talk to Lily-Anne

"Hi Lily" I say simply

"Hello darling, How was your shopping trip? Find anything you liked?" Lily bombarded me with questions,

I sighed as I answered her questions "um it was good and yes I did, can I please go and pack now?" I replied/asked

"Sure darling but make sure you don't pack any white or good clothes because its in the country which means mud" Lily-Anne said as I walked into the lounge to see my Dad and Kim (my step sister) laughing I coughed to make my Dad notice me but it didn't work as Kim talked over me, so I walked up to my room. I put my IPod in my speakers and Ke$ha's song Take It Off blasts into my room, I start to pack, I put my black, white and grey tank tops in also my black and blue skinny jeans a couple of pairs of black leggings, my purple Jack wills sweatshirt, my hair straightener's and curling irons my make up and about ten pairs of shoes - all comfy - I then pack my hand bag I put my I-pod, lip gloss, my cell phone charger, I-pad + charger and my I-pod charger, YAY I'm packed and it only took half an hour. I decide to see if Lily needs any help with dinner but stop in my tracks when I see my family eating with out me, I sigh and head back up to my room, I grab my I-pad on log onto facebook and see I have a friend request from someone named "Tyler Austin" I don't know who it is so I just leave it and look at my timeline, I see that Ashley is now single lexi is going to DC and Calvin is working up the courage to ask out his crush, wow man that's boring! I hear my phone go off and I see that Evan is ringing me I answer,

C: hello 

E: hey look im sorry for ringing you this late at night but I wanted to know what time your flight left tomorrow? 

C: it leaves at 8:30am why did u want to know? 

E: I was just wondering, Promise you will text and ring me at least once a week? 

C: Aha yip look not to sound rude or anything but im really tired so im gunna go to bed night loves you  

E: love you to night

Once im in bed I turn off my lamp and fall asleep

I wake up the night morning early I get up and take a shower once im dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized jumper I head down stairs to a plate of waffles being put on the table,

"Morning Lily" I say

"Morning dear how was your sleep?" Lily asks me, I take a bite out of my breakfast before answering

"It was good, you?" I ask

"Good thank you" answers Lily as she walks out the door to go to work after I finish my breakfast I walk up the stairs to get my suite case once I get to the airport I check in and wait for my flight to be called, I don't have to wait long and im sitting on the plane. After the first hour im really bored so I decide to go to sleep.


I wake up with five minutes until the plane lands, when we have safely landed and I have got my bags I head to the coffee shop which is were Dad said a lady would be waiting for me, when I walk in there is only one lady in here so I walk up to her,

"Charlotte?" The kind looking lady asks

"The one and only" I reply smiling, She leads me to a car were a boy about my age is sitting in the front I get in the back seat and we leave.

"Um excuse me but could you please tell me who you are?"

"Well Charlotte Im your mother and this is your brother Tyler" The lady answers me


Hi that is the first Chapter I hope you like it, Well she finally got to meet her mother, What do you think will happen? What do you think Tyler will be like? He hasn't said much has he not even a hell, hmm do you think he wanted to meet his sister? well you will have to wait and find out.


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