Trust (Sequel to The Way That I Love(d) U)

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8 months later...

Ever since that day with Chresanto on the beach, we've been hanging out together like old times. Since Justin's death I've had help from just about everyone,especially because I'm pregnant. It was the first week of march and My baby would be coming in a week or so. I'm excited, but I think Chres is more excited then I am because of how he's been acting. He thinks just cause I agree to spend time with him and stay over sometimes doesn't mean were back together. Hell No! Yes it's been 8 months but I still don't trust his cheating, lying ass. 


Yo, today me and Kandice were seeing the latest Kevin Hart movie.I was laughing my ass off. We were already halfway through the movie when she got up.

Roc- (eating his popcorn) Bae where you going?

Kandice- (rolls her eyes) Bathroom. 

Roc- Need help?

Kandice- No (holds the rail & walks down the stairs) 



I walked out of the stall and started washing my hands, I felt a tense pain as I walked to the trash can. No, no. It can't be time yet. I gripped on the paper-towel and reached in my purse searching for my phone as I felt something run down my legs. I quitly dialed Chres' number and leaned against the wall.

Kandice- Pick up, pick up. 

Roc- Hello? (whispers)

Kandice- Santo. I need you.  

Roc- I know (laughs)

Kandice- No, Fool! The baby's coming.

Roc- Oh Shit! (yells) I'm coming. You still in the restroom?

Kandice- Naww.

Roc- I'm coming Kandi (gets up)

Kandice- (hangs up & starts panting) 



I put on the gloves a nurse gave me and watched as Kandice was pushing and sweating like hell. Damn woman go through a lot, seriously. She kept asking for her drugs but she couldn't have them. After about 3 more minutes, I heard crys from the baby boy. 

"Mr. August would you like to cut his cord?" 

I shook my head and listened to the nurse and cut the cord. They took him out the room and I watched Kandice soak in her sweat. She still looked beautiful though. 

Roc- You did it. (smiles)

Kandice- (laughs) Shutup. 

Roc- What you gonna name him?

Kandice- ....

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