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Just a little drabble from a 3rd person perspective talking to the player (which is you).

Kinda genocide spoiler warning?


Have you ever felt uneasy?

Such as, you feel as if something bad was about to happen, or will happen.

You feel as if you're walking on eggshells.

When will something happen next?

As you walk through Snowdin and the Hotlands, you have a sick feeling in your gut.

It may be lively now...

But what about then?

What about all of those times it was deserted?

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

These are your friends, you would never hurt them right?



Well now.

You're not a normal child, are you?

Did you just want gratification?

Just the fact that you finished another ending?

Or is it more?


It doesn't matter anyways.

Even if you do kill them all, you can just reset.

You'll always be back.

You may act all sweet and helping now, but he knows your true self.

He sees through you, he knows what you've done.

Were you wondering why he kept his brother so close?


You're feigning innocence.

Oh well.

We'll see soon enough who you truly are.

What you truly are.

It must be hard being a monster.

You should know, of all people.

You shot down everyone in cold blood.






You even tried to kill a small child - one without arms, no less.


I'm wasting my breath, aren't I?

My, my.

You sure are one interesting child.

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