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five - Charlotte and The Chocolate Factory

''What?'' Bellamy chuckles dryly, but he can sense the authority in her voice that shown the seriousness.

''Want an inside of grounders? Than here's one. You kill a grounder, and another grounder kills the killer.''

Bellamy still holds his mischievous smirk that's always plastered on his features whenever talking to the archer.

''And why would you do that?'' He asks aloud, still holding up the tough facade whereas his younger sister become to grow with worry.

Being around Brandi shown she doesn't take bull from anyone, meaning she could be a person whose true to her word. Bellamy might actually die if he keeps this up.

''Because once I do kill you, maybe you're people would finally grow a damn back bone.''

A sudden voice squeaked from the crowd, alarming everyone's attention in seconds. ''Brandi, please stop! Okay, Murphy didn't kill Wells. I did!''

It was Charlotte. She looked more frightened than scared. But she had a right to be, so many consequences would be made if she had let people think Murphy was the killer.

''Bring him down boys'' Bellamy mumbles, in great shock that a little girl would be capable of a crime.

Everyone stood around, taking it all in while Murphy was still tied helplessly on the ground, struggling for a release.

Bellamy then grabs a hold of Charlotte and drags her back to the tent with Brandi, Clarke and Finn.

This brought everyone back to reality and after untying Murphy, they charged back to the tent.

''Bring Out The Girl, Bellamy!''

Brandi rolls her eye's at his irritable voice while Bellamy pleads out ''Why Charlotte?''

''Because I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me'' She explains in the rush of her adrenaline.

Brandi's features fell flat and she instantly connected all the pieces together. Hell even before she killed Wells, she knew something had switch when it came to the little girl.

''Bellamy, my foot would be so far up you're ass right now, that I'd feel heaven'' Brandi cursed as Clarke and Finn were left in the side bewildered.

''What the hell is she talking about?'' Clarke questions, eyeing the two of them skeptically.

''Don't look at me. Father Bellamy was in the zone for curing a case of night terrors'' Brandi snaps with many too many remarks to count.

''She misunderstood me'' Bellamy clears out before turning to the younger blonde. ''Charlotte, that is not what I meant.''

''Bring The Girl Out Now!'' Murphy screams, worsening the rushing thoughts than ran through the group.

''Please don't let them hurt me'' Charlotte pleads with a pang of guilt.

Bellamy turns to the three other adults in the tent. ''If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up.''

Brandi and Clarke look away while Finn looks down to the ground. In they're defense, this was an easy defendable case that justify the right and wrong.

''Now you stay quiet- you of all people?'' Bellamy questions out of disbelief, pointing an accusing finger at Brandi.

''Dude, don't put me on spot'' She comments with a small grimace as she shakes her head.

Fair Game ↬ Bellamy Blake [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt