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"Van," Brandon's voice calls. He knocks on my bedroom door. "Come in," I call. I stand up from my vanity set as he opens my bedroom door. He gives me a one-over before meeting my eyes. "You look nice. Where are you going?" He asks causally. I slide my feet into my red heels. "Uh, Mason is picking me up. We're going on a date." I inform him in a whispered tone. Brandon nods slowly. "Savannah," Brandon starts. "Oh, no, please don't. I already got an earful from Colton." I groan, pulling my charm bracelet on. "Okay, fine. We're just worried. Be careful." He pleads. 

My ears perk when I hear the doorbell ring. I grab a thin jacket from my closet. Brandon stands in the doorway, blocking my way out. "Brandon," I plead. He sighs deeply. "Call me if you need anything. Promise?" He asks. I give him a questioning look, but he doesn't budge. "Fine. I promise." I agree. He smiles softly at me, stepping aside. I kiss him on the cheek and walk down the stairs. I stop when I see Mason standing awkwardly by the door with red roses in his hands. Colton was leaning against the doorway. His eyes met mine instantly. I notice his lips part slightly as his eyes scan my body. I force myself to look away from him.

 "You look beautiful," Mason speaks. I find myself smiling at him. I walk the last two steps. "I got you these." Mason extends his arms. I take the roses from his hands and take a deep breath. They smelled like spring. "You ready?" Mason asks. I nod my head, looking at him. I glance at Colton as Mason takes my hand. His eyes looked pleading as if trying to tell me something. I could tear my gaze away from him until I was out the door. The night air felt cool against my skin. Mason opens the passenger side of his car. I thank him, sliding into the seat. I buckle up as he walks around the vehicle. "What beach are we going to?" I ask. Mason gives me a side glance. "Palmer Beach. It's only 45 minutes from here." Mason explains.

 I lean back in my seat. Mason backs out of my driveway and heads down the road. I pull out my phone and open up my Facebook app. I scroll through my newsfeed, trying to entertain myself. After liking a few posts and sharing a few things, I left my Facebook. My phone vibrates when I get a message from Colton. His name appears on the bar across the top of my phone. I pull the message down to read what he said.

Colton: You look beautiful in that dress 😊

Me: I didn't realize you were such a charmer. It fits you well.

Colton: I'm just telling the truth. You are beautiful. 

 I feel my heart thump loudly against my chest. I could feel my cheeks start to redden. I glance over at Mason to find his gaze on the road. I click my phone closed and tuck it under my leg. I focus on the scenery outside as I listen to the radio playing softly in the background. Sometime through the drive, Mason grabs my hand. He interlaced our fingers together. I smile at him and then look back out the window. Mason parks the car on top of the hill that overlooks the beach. Mason turns off the car and climbs out. I open my door and step out. 

Mason appears beside me with a basket in his hands. "Oh, a picnic?" I ask excitedly. He grins at me and nods. I take his hand, following him down to the sand. We walk a short distance when he suddenly stops. "This is the perfect spot." He announces. He pulls a blanket out of the basket and stretches it across the stand. Then he pulls out a few candles and lights them. I stand to the side, watching him prepare everything. When he's done, he looks up at me. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He asks. I smile at him. He pats the spot beside him. I take off my heels and sit down.

 "So I brought a fruit basket and red wine." He informs me. "Oh, fancy." I joke. He pours me a glass and hands it to me. I take a few small sips, looking out at the water. "It's crazy how much everything has changed," Mason announces. I grab a grape, popping it into my mouth. "Can you believe we've been together a whole year?" He asks. I shake my head. I couldn't believe it. It didn't seem long ago when he asked me to be his girlfriend. "Do you want more?" Mason asks. I glance down to see I've finished my first glass of wine. I nod, extending my hand. He fills it up halfway. I thank him and take another sip. "Do you remember our first date?" Mason asks. I find myself laughing. "Yeah, you were so nervous." I chuckle. Mason shakes his head. "You were no better." He argues. I shake my head but smile. "Yeah, only because I had a massive crush on you. I still didn't believe that you liked me." I explain. "I liked you. A lot. I was too chicken ever to ask you out." He said. I nod thoughtfully. I take another drink from my wine glass. "I'm glad I did, though," Mason states. "Me too." I agree. "Even if you are a pain in my butt." I joke. 

He rolls his eyes, throwing a grape at me. I couldn't help but laugh. "Wanna go for a swim?" He asks. I shake my head. "No, are you crazy?" I ask. "Why not? It could be fun." He suggests. I think about it for a moment. Why not? I nod, jumping to my feet. "Don't look," I say. Mason covers his eyes as I strip from my dress. I run to the water and squeal in surprise. It felt cold against my skin. Mason walks to the water with just his boxers and the wine in his hands. "Shit, it's okay." He mumbles. I giggle at his reaction. He swims towards me. I take a few sips from the wine bottle. When he takes it back, I dive into the water. We continued to talk and joke about some of the memories we had. Soon, all of the wine is gone. 

"It's all gone," Mason announces, throwing the bottle over his head. It lands in the water with a thud. "Mason," I scowl him but can't stay serious. "Savannah, I am sorry," Mason says after a moment. I tried to focus intently on him, but the wine was getting to me. "Sorry for what?" I ask. Mason grabs my hand. "For being such an ass. I guess I was just jealous with Colton always around." Mason admits. The mention of his name makes my cheeks redden. I shake my head. "I love you," I reassure him. Mason nods his head knowingly. "I know, but it sucks that he gets to see you every day and I don't." Mason mumbles. 

I sigh deeply, wrapping my arms around his neck. He placed one hand on my waist. "I love you," I repeat. He leans and presses his lips to mine. I grab the side of his face, deepening the kiss. I wrap my arms around his legs as he carries me out of the water. I gasp when my back hits the blanket-covered sand. Mason's lips find mine again. "Wait, wait. Not like this." I mumble against his lips. I start to push him off of me. He sighs in disappointment. "I tried to make this romantic for you." He informs me. I sit up, narrowing my eyes at him. "So, this was all so you could get into my pants?" I ask offended. He shakes his head. "No, it's not-"
"Whatever, Mason." I stand up, grabbing my dress off of the sand. "Take me home," I demand. 

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