Chapter 1

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"Ms. Dolan, you have a call on line one."

"Thank you Beth, I'll pick it up now," I yelled back to my secretary.

I wonder who could be calling me? Usually I close up the office at 6, but today I decided to stay later to work on some paper work, so no one should be calling.

"Hello, this is Olivia Dolan who may you be?" I said as I picked up the phone.

"Hello Olivia, this is Ben.  Sorry for calling so late and off my friends phone, but I need you to go to the Weglarz Hotel at 8 and pick up some documents from room D 202.  I'll text you the rest of the info."

I sighed with relief when I realized it was my boss calling me and not a client. Work had been very stressful lately and being 24 and single I wanted to just go out and have fun tonight. Work wasn't high up on my list of 'fun'.

"Beth, I'm going to leave now so could you please lock the office up for me. I will see you Monday, have a nice weekend."

I left the office building and hopped into my sexy baby.  My car is a sleek black Audi that I just got this year because I guess successful business women shouldn't take the bus. I mean they both take the same amount of time to get here, but I preferred the Audi now.

I decided to stop at home first because I still had an hour before I had to pick up the documents for Ben.  I know they most be really important to him if he's having his Co-CEO of the business pick it up for him and not an intern.

Once, I took the elevator to my apartment and opened the door all my worries left me.  I had lived alone for most of my life besides the few maids that spent time with me, so walking into an empty home wasn't unusual for me.  I was adopted at ten into a very cold rich family and my  real parents are said to be burnt out druggies that couldn't take care of me so that's why I was put up for adoption.  Once I turned 18 I really disconnected myself from my parents and went on my own path because I really didn't have any kind of relationship with my parents. My parents never really showed affection to me and the most time they spent with me was when they were showcasing me off.  I was always very intelligent as a kid and did very well on my ACT's so they loved to brag about me to their 'friends'.  I had worked as an intern from 14-18 at my uncles company trying to save money for college, so I really didn't have time to spend with them. It's not like my parents can't afford to pay for college... obviously they could have, but I wanted to do it on my own.  I spent 6 years at Yale in Connecticut, New Haven getting my masters degree in Business Management.  I had a full ride so I invested the money I had saved up in stocks and that doubled my money overall. Working hard at school and jobs I had ended up a pretty successful business women making a large amount of money every year.

When I finally got out of  College, I bought an apartment in the heart of downtown Chicago that is pretty close to were I work at now. I have a clean, but homey place that is my safe haven.  I have spent most of my life worrying about my education and well being that now I have only really started to realize I haven't lived my life. I mean my hobbies include reading, running, and work.  Sounds like so much fun. I decided when I  came here to make friends and I was pretty successful with that.  I had met a great group of girls and I am actually supposed to go to dinner with them tonight.

My phone started ringing and I realized Megan, one of my closest friends was calling me.


"Heyyy Olivia.  Are you coming to dinner with us tonight. Our friend has a really cool place in Lincoln Park, so after dinner we are going to go their to partaay," Megan slurred to me over the phone.

"Are you drunk?  I have to go pick something up for my boss soon so after I'll stop by and partaay. You sober up while I do that. Okay?"

"Alright Olivia see ya then Babe."

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