Permission and Jerseys

Depuis le début

"I need to talk to you guys." I said, as I heard the patio door open. Tyler Press walked down the steps, smiling at everyone. I quirked an eyebrow at her, as she ran to Raphael. He engulfed her in his arms, and then kissed her. "What the hell?" I mouthed to myself. Gwen took my hand, and led me inside.

"So Chica, what do you need to talk about?" She asked me, as I looked back out on the beach. Kat had returned to juggling, as Tyler and Raphael continued to kiss.

"Um, I wanted to ask Kat something important, and you." I said, as she just waited for me to continue. "I love Emily, she's the most important thing to me in this whole world. I couldn't spend a day without her, and I won't spend a day without her. She's the love of my life, and I know you know how important she is to me. I just, I really-"

"Kelley, what are you trying to say?" Gwen questioned, a small smile on her face.

"I want to ask for your permission, to ask Emily to marry me." I said, as her smile grew.

"Kelley O'Hara, this is why I like you. Not just because you care so much about Emily, but also because you care about us. Of course you can ask Emily to marry you." She said, pulling me into a hug. I smiled, and looked over at my duffle. Sighing out, I pulled back to smile at Gwen.

Walking over to my bag, I grabbed a tissue paper wrapped package. Heading out to the beach, I smiled at Kat. She smiled back, and kicked the ball up into the air. She caught it on her back, rolling it to the back of her neck. I smiled, as she dropped the ball to the sand.

"What's up Kelley?" She asked, as I kneeled down in front of her.

"Kat, I have something important to ask you." I said, and she nodded. "You know how mush I love your sister." I told her, and she smiled. "And you know how much I love you and your family, but I want to make Emily apart of my family." I said, starting to unwrap the tissue paper. "Emily is a Rush, just like you. But I-" I said, pulling out a national team jerseys. "Want to ask her to be an O'Hara." I said, holing up he jersey to her that said.

"O'Hara. 28."

"And if she says yes, and becomes an O'Hara, it doesn't mean she's still not a Rush. It doesn't mean she's not your sister." I said, as she nodded. "Kat, I want to ask your sister to marry me. I want her to become my family. I want you to become my family." I said, as tears rolled down her small cheeks. "Is that okay with you?" I asked, as she nodded. Kat wrapped her small arms around my neck, pulling me close to her. I engulfed her in my arms, as she nuzzled her head into my neck.

"We can be a family?" She asked, and I nodded. Brushing away her tears, she did the same to me.

"We can be a family." I told her. "I love you Kat." I said, as she kissed my cheek.

"I love you too Kelley." She said.

I just held onto her for awhile, as the two of us smiled and sniffled. I had Gwen's permission, I had Kats permission. Now all I needed was a yes from Emily.


I had called my mom on the way home to Jersey, asking her if she would be up for a big family Christmas. She was in, but when I told her what I wanted to do, she was begging me to come. I had laughed, and promised her that'd we be there. The Rush's were going to catch a plane out to Georgia the twenty third, and we would be their a few hours later.

I climbed out of the cab, seeing my car and Emily's motorcycle parked in the driveway. Smiling, I paid the driver. Heading inside, I quietly closed the door. It was around eleven at night. Seeing little shoes beside Emily's boots, I smiled. The Rampone's were here. Tossing my bag in the couch, I tip toed up the stairs. Making my way down the hall, I quietly opened our bedroom door.

Emily's body was sprawled out on the bed, Reece laying atop her chest. Her head was nuzzled into Emily's neck, her knees resting against her hips. Rylie was tucked under one of Emily's muscular tattooed arms, her arms around my forwards waist. Her legs were intertwined with Emily's, as Rylie nuzzled her face into her side.

I smiled, and slowly backed out of our room. Heading downstairs, I pulled a pair of sweats out of my bag. Pulling them on, I made myself comfortable on the couch. Nuzzling my head into a pillow, I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the next morning, two little Rampone's nuzzled into my side. Looking at my clock, I saw it was nine. Sighing out, I glanced at Rylie and Reece. Rylie yawned out, grabbing at my shirt. Smiling, I gently rocked her shoulders.

"Ry, Ry?" I questioned. She yawned again, pushing her hands into my face. I smiled, and grabbed her around her waist. She smiled at me, as I rolled us out of bed. "Come on Reece, let's get up." I said, picking her up around the waist. Throwing Rylie over my shoulder, I propped Reece onto my waist. Caring the two downstairs, I smelt bacon from the stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, Kelley smiled at me. I sat Rylie down onto the kitchen island, where she laid down. I then propped Reece up on my hip, as she nuzzled her head into my neck.

"Morning Kiki." I said, as she kissed my cheek. "When time did you get home?" I asked.

"Around eleven." She said, flipping some pancakes.

"Kelley, I've known you for a long time now, and I know you can't cook." I said, as she smiled.

"I can cook breakfast, and that's it." She said, as I smiled back at her. She turned to me, as I captured her lips in a tender kiss.

"Gross." Reece mumbled into my neck, hitting my cheek with her small hand.

"I think it's cute." Rylie mumbled still sprawled out on the kitchen island.

"Okay you two, let's eat." Kelley said, picking Rylie up off the counter. The four of us sat at the dinning room table, eating breakfast. We laughed and smiled, but my eyes never left Kelley. I had a small feeling she was hiding something from me, and I didn't know what.

Whatever it was, I couldn't wait to find out.

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