Injuries and Interviews

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Walking into Emily's hospital room, I saw Alex and Tobin look back at me. They gave me weak smiles, trying to make me feel better. I waved at them, and they immediately grew concerned.

"Kel, what happened to your hand?" Alex asked.

"Um, Em broke it." I mumbled.

"What, when?" Tobin asked.

"When they put her staples in. She grabbed it to hard and snapped my bone." I said, and gave a small smile. "But that doesn't matter." I said, walking over to sit next to Emily's bed. "How is she?" I asked.

"She's in a lot of pain." Alex told me. "The I-v isn't doing much for her."

"The doctor said he would be back soon, maybe we should call him in here?" Tobin said. Emily moaned out.

"Kel-Kelley?" She questioned. I pulled my chair up next to her bed, and took her hand with my good one.

"Hey, I'm here. I'm here." I said, kissing her hand. She groaned, and rolled her head. The bandaged side of her face was shown to me. "Tobin, can you go find the doctor?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yah, I'll be back." She said, leaving Ems room. Alex came and sat next to me, placing her hand on my back. Tobin came back with the doctor, who gave me a reassuring smile.

"How's Emily?" He asked.

"She's in a lot of pain. The medicine you're giving her doesn't seem to be doing much." I explained.

"Okay, well I can boost her dosage of the iodine and then we can put those stitches in. When's your next game?" He asked.

"Three days." Alex said.

"Well, I don't want to keep those staples in because it has a higher risk of scaring. But if she plays with stitches in there is the possibility that they can come out." He told us.

"Is there a risk to her if the stitches come out?" I asked.

"No, I'll just have to put them back in." He said.

"Okay. I think stitches are the best idea." I said, and Alex and Tobin nodded.

"Alright then. Let me go get what I'll need, and I'll put those stitches in. Then you guys can get back to your hotel." He said.

"Thank you." I said, as he left the room.


The doctor returned and gave Emily some numbing medication. He then took out her staples and put in stitches. Bandages were placed over the stitches, and then the doctor gave me some medication for Emily. The doctor then discharged Emily, and we could head back to the hotel. Once we left Emily's room and walked out into the lobby, we were greeted by our whole team. Emily gave a small smile and a wave, as everyone stood up.

"Hey kid." Carli and Abby said.

"How are you?" Pinoe asked.

"I'm fine, and I'll be ready for Sweden." She said, and everyone smiled. Hope walked over to us.

"I am so sorry Emily, I didn't mean too. I didn't see you coming in to the box, and I-I'm so sorry. Emily can you-" Hope was cut off by Emily hugging her.

"Shut up. It wasn't your fault. I was to stubborn to back off." I said, and Hope smiled.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Hope said.

"We all are." Kling said.

"Come on Em, let's get you home."


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