Chapter 3

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With the amount of time I've spent in this room you would think That I was some mass murder planning on blowing up all of New York, but that's not the case. In fact I've never killed anyone... on purpose in my life.
Yes I know, I know I said "on purpose" well their were a few accidents but I have yet to know if anyone died. I never really look back into it. But I'm hoping the casualties were at a minimum.
Which brings me up to here with the amount of accidents I had when I first got here you would of thought this S.H.E.I.L.D organization would have taken me then. But no, I have one accident in 15 years and suddenly I'm a threat. What a joke.
"Oh look eye patch is back, what do you need more blood I got plenty." I tell while slapping my arm.
"What does your family tree look like?"
Eye patchy asks pretty confused if you ask me.
"What do you care about my family tree?"
"Just answer the question, Ms.Sheiffer."
"Well it's non existent so there's not much I can tell you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I don't have a family I'm a lone wolf."
"Any relatives like aunts or uncles?"
Now I'm starting to get annoyed why does he keep asking about this. I'm not gonna lie my family is a bit of a sore spot because I can't remember them. I've been an orphan my whole life.
"I'm an orphan Nick ok, so stop bugging me about it." I say done with the conversation.
"Is there by chance an idea on when I'm leaving."
"No." He says and walks out of the room. More like a cage.
Great back to where I started alone with my thoughts. What to do?
I swear if I'm gonna be stuck in here for another hour I might just have another "accident" on purpose.
I know it's not much but hey I tried yes she is still stuck in that room don't worry you'll get a change of scenery soon I'm still deciding on where I wanna go with this but I think I've got an idea I'm gonna take so stay tuned. And Tap on that star so I know your reading this.

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