Now or Never

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//Picture is Lance//

'We'll stay here for the night'

'No' KC scoffs

'Wait what ?' Carl squeaks 'Daddy , you're kidding !'

'I'll drink bleach before I stay the night in a sewer' Johanna says

'Nobody is stopping you' Lyric remarks , shrugging

'Enough' Rick clears his throat 'Ain't nothing too long , just a couple of hours'

'Anything can happen in a few hours' I chuckle


'Layne , quit' Carl scolds 'I don't need you to start right now , Lyric - stop encouraging him'

'Sorry , love' I sigh , walking over to lean against the wall

'How're we doing this , Rick ?' Silvia asks 'It seems really ... really dangerous'

'Nothin has happened so far' Daryl cuts in 'Still a bad idea but'

'Like I said earlier' I scoff 'A lot can happen in a couple hours'

'Your wife said to stop' KC jokes

'I'm gonna blow your fucking brains out , ya hear me ?'

'Layne , put the gun down' Colleen peeps

Shaking my head , I perfect my aim more

'Layne , violence is not the answer' Lux whispers 'You've gotta put the gun down'

'S-stop , Lux' I swallow a lump in my throat , hand beginning to shake

'Violent behavior will not be tolerated' Rick chimes in

'Hey , I don't know if you fuckin remember but we just had a goddamn shootout so don't you dare tell me that !'

'You have to stop , Layne' Carl's innocent voice flows through the group 'Don't put the gun down for KC , or yourself ... just put it down for me'

Nodding , I look down at the ground and lower my arm 'Alright'

'Thank you' Johanna huffs 'Can we act like civilized humans now ?'


Carl frowns at my response before turning back to his pa 'Who's taking first watch ?'

'Me' KC says

'No , I'll do it' Rick waves him off 'Everyone rest'

'Wake me up when you get tired , boss' Lance comments , going to sit next to the wall of graffiti

I sat against a wall , it was cold and probably had dried blood on it - but I didn't care , I was exhausted

Carl comes to sit next to me with Cayne and smiles 'Hi'


'Thanks for not shooting him' He sighs 'It saved us some trouble'

'Yeah , it's whatever' I shrug

'I know you don't like him , none of us do and we all have our reasons' He begins 'Although yours is one of the worst , will you please try to play nice ?'

'Don't forget that he tried to kill you'

'That was an accident'

'Yeah and so was Bailee being a bitch' I scoff

'Don't be sarcastic with me right now , he genuinely wasn't trying to hurt me'

'Why are you sticking up for him ?'

Humanity: Nuclear Warfare (Carl Grimes Gay)Where stories live. Discover now