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I waited anxiously for Colton to walk through the front door. I glance at the time on the cable box. He was supposed to be home two hours ago. I jump when my cell phone starts to ring. May's ringtone plays loudly in the quiet living room. "You scared me half to death," I answer breathlessly. May chuckles on the other line. "Maybe you shouldn't have done anything to Colton's car." She remarks sarcastically. I roll my eyes. When I hear the sound of a car approaching the house, I jump to my feet. I ran to the window to see if it was Colton, but it wasn't. I sigh in relief. "Technically, I didn't do anything bad," I say innocently. "Uh, Van, I hate to break it to you, but you technically stole his car." May reminds me.

 I step away from the window heading back towards the couch. "I gave him the car back. So I borrowed it. Besides, he deserves it." I remark. She takes a deep breath. "So I've been told. By the way, where is he?"  She asks, changing the subject. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I figured he was with Brandon." I reply. "And he's not?" May asks causally. I sit down on the arm of the couch. "No, apparently Brandon's on a date." I breathe out. May falls quiet on the other line. I didn't want to tell her, but I'd rather have her hear it from me than anyone else. I wish she didn't have to like my brother. Not that I don't think she's good enough for him. But because my brother is a jackass. "Oh, that's good." May finally speaks up. I wanted to apologize, but she hurried on to the next subject. We chatted for another ten minutes, and then we said our goodbyes. I hung up my phone, tossing it on the couch cushion.

 I needed something to do before I drove myself crazy thinking about Colton. Maybe I need to take a nap? I shake the thought out of my head, settling for a nice warm bath instead. That's exactly what I need to help myself relax. Once I reach the bathroom, I turn on the warm water. As the tub fills, I discard my clothes. I grab my phone off of the counter and then climb into the bath. I lay back, letting myself relax as the water warmed my body. I close my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. Slowly, I open my eyes again. The silence of the house was strange. It was a little unnerving. Shaking the feeling away, I grab my phone off the tub's edge. I scroll through the iBooks that I have downloaded. 

After debating a few, I decided to go with Looking for Alaska by John Green. May had read the book a while back; she said it was her favorite John Green book. Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop getting lost in the book. It was amazing. After some time, the water begins to get cold. I quickly wash and rinse my body, then climb out. I gather all of my things walking out of the bathroom. I stopped at the top of the stairs, listening for any noise, but there was none. The sky outside was starting to darken. This means it has gotten later, and Colton still wasn't home. 

I walk into my room, closing the door behind me. I toss my dirty clothes into the hamper, walking to my dresser. I change into a pair of sleep shorts and a loose-fitted tee of Mason's. I frown at the thought of Mason. We barely spoke at school. Correction: I barely uttered a word to him. I was still a little hurt by his behavior. Still, it would have been nice to hear a sincere apology, not him telling me what he thinks I want to hear. I take a deep breath, deciding to leave my bedroom. As I walk down the stairs, Colton bursts through the door. I freeze in my spot, waiting for him to notice my presence. I contemplate turning around and heading for my room, but I don't get a chance when his eyes meet mine. 

"I take it you got your keys back, "I smile. The corner of his mouth tugs into a smirk. "The keychain was a nice touch." His voice was raspy. I find myself chuckling. "You think? What about the other stuff?" I ask proudly. The smirk on his face disappears. He drops the duffle bag onto the floor, making a loud thud. He walks up a few steps. "Are you gonna yell?" I whisper. The same smirk as earlier appears on his face. A shiver runs down my spine as he steps towards me. Finally, my mind catches on to how close he is. I turn, running up the stairs. Still, I don't make it far because I am crashing against his bedroom door. I push him off of me and run into my bedroom. Only he's just as fast as me. I barely got the door closed when he burst in. I let out a slight squeal when he tackled me onto the bed. I close my eyes, waiting for him to yell at me.

 "Open your eyes." He demands. I shake my head. "Savannah," He demands, straddling my waist. I try to push him off of me, but he pins my hands down above my head. "Open them," His voice sounds close. His minty breath hits my face. I slowly open my eyes to find him staring down at me, his face inches from mine. "Why did you take my car? Where did you take it?"He demands. I shrug my shoulders. "I swear to god, I will not leave if you don't tell me." He threatens me. I tried to push him off of me, but when my hands pinned down, I couldn't. "Why does it matter?" I ask.
"Was it?" He repeats. 

I let out an annoyed sigh. "Get off!" I yell. He shakes his head. "I'm not leaving," he remarks. After struggling against him for another five minutes, I give up. "Fine!" I exclaim. 

"I took your stupid car because I couldn't sleep. Which is your fault, by the way." I inform him. He looks taken back. "How?" He asks. "How." I mock him. "Because you decided to be rude and sleep with that annoying girl. Knowing very well that I would hear you. You didn't even try being discrete." I accuse him. He scans my face. "I didn't realize you'd be jealous. All you have to do is ask, sweetheart." He winks. "Don't flatter yourself," I say, trying to push him off of me again. He chuckles at me. "So where did you take my car? It better not have been to Reeds." He threatens. "And if I did?" I ask. 

His eyes burned into mine. "I don't want him around what belongs to me. He doesn't deserve it." His voice was low. I suddenly wondered if he was talking about his car. His eyes never left mine.
"It wasn't. I parked a few streets over. Okay? Now, will you get off?" I ask. A look of relief flashes across his face.

He sits back for a moment, then shakes his head. "You'll have to pay the toll." He says sweetly. I feel my stomach drop. "What?" I groan. "A kiss," He says. "What? I breathe out. "A kiss on the cheek." He says, tapping the side of his face with his index finger. I feel my eyes widen as his smile grows. Swallowing all the pride that I had, I agree. What choice did I have? He leans down as I lift my head, pressing my lips against his skin. "You're such a greeeaat kisser, Van," Colton exclaims dramatically. He lets go of my hands and jumps off of me. "Thanks for the keychain, by the way. Smells a little girly, but I like it." He chuckles.

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