Chapter five

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"Crap,crap,crap" you muttered. Bipper prowled closer,narrowing his cat like eyes. "Oh,(y/n)~" he cooed. The crowd behind you was starting to get confused,muttering. This was seeming to real. Suddenly a floating sock whacked bipper over the head. "Run (y/n)!" The puppet screeched. The crowd screamed in fear at the sight of the floating sock puppet. You didn't need to be told twice. You quickly turned around and zipped backstage,desperately trying not to trip over props scattered all over the floor. "You can't run from me!" Bipper screeched. You quickly turned a corner and pressed yourself agents the wall,trying to catch your breath."Oh (y/n) ~" you heard him purr. You gulped and backed slid away trying your best to stay away from the mad man. "I know your around here~" he cooed. The footsteps got louder from where you layed. Your breath hitched. You spotted a closet and dived for it. You pulled down some costumes and shut the door tightly. "Oh (symbol) cant hide from me.." You closed your eyes, burying yourself deeper into the closet. The footsteps stopped, which caused you to listen confused. You peaked open an eye and peaked out of your hiding spot, glancing around. You sighed in relief until a familiar face popped into view, grinning a Cheshire like smile. "I found you~!" he sang, grabbing onto your shoulders. He pulled you closer, his face hovering above yours. You yelped as you glanced up at his yellow cat like-pupils. "D-dip-" he shushed you as he narrowed his eyes. "It's bill cipher sweetheart, and your mine now~"
You screeched as he pulled you along,cluching you tightly. "Let go off me!" Now (symbol) whats the fun in that? HAHAHAHA!" he started laughing,while clutching your arm tighter. "P-please let me go.." you whimpered. Bipper smirked and kept dragging you along.
Oh dear...
Where was he taking you?


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