Chapter four

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You hurried over to Mabel dressing room, swinging open to door to see Mabel sipping water from the water fountain, while having her hair pulled up by her hand,
"Mabel, we need to talk"
Mabel gazed over and you and grinned.
"Oh (y/n)! You look amazing! You'll be one of the best bride's maid's! And-"
You sighed and shook your head. Of corse you would beautiful!
"Mabel, your brother is possessed by bill"
Mabel glanced at you strangely before snorting in laughter.
"Wow, you got me there for a minute (y/n)! i thought you were serious!" she howled, but it faltered at your serious expression.
"y-you're serious?"
You nodded.
"I'm afraid so Mabel," you muttered as you rubbed your arm.
Mabel's eyes widened and she rubbed the side of her face.
"Oh man"
She then smiled.
"Well then let's fix this (y/n)!" she chirped as she grabbed your hand and pulled you out.
After a few moments of walking she suddenly stopped.
"Wait! I almost forgot! What about my puppet show?!"
You then grinned devilishly.
"Oh I got that already covered..."
I don't know about you but everyone freaks out when I slap on an evil grin😈

You both continued to walk until you reached the giant cake where the book laid. You held the rope as
Mabel climbed inside the cake. "Alright, we need to get moving-"
You yelped when you were suddenly grabbed into a chocking hold, causing the cake to fall as you let go of it in shock.
Mabel shrieked as the cake plummeted when suddenly the mysterious person hauled it back up.
You struggled and yelled into the hand that covered yours making them chuckle.
"Come on, come on, there must be a way to get dippers body back" you heard Mabel mutter.
"Ho ho, now why would you want to do that?"
You struggled as you watched Mabel gasp when she spotted you and bill.
"Bill dipper! Bipper..." she growled.
He lifted a hand and chuckled.
"Shh...You wouldn't want to ruin the show~" he cooed.
Mabel gulped and bipper grinned. "Whoops~" he the released the rope having the cake and Mabel drop a few feet over where dipper's ghost was acting the puppet show.
You gasped, you wanted to help Mabel but you were in a pickle right now, He could easily toss you over the railing and you could end up breaking your neck.
"It's slipping~ how about you hand over that book over?"
He asked, clutching you tighter making you whimper.
You could literally feel his smirk, as Mabel shook her head furiously.
"No way! This is dippers! I'd never give it away!" she spat.
bipper then started pulling the rope up and down teasingly with an arm, making Mabel drop and be hauled up again.
"Hmm, you didn't see a problem with taking the book for your own play and ditching him when he needed you." he grinned.
You growled as he continued making him clutch you even tighter.
"You come to your senses, or (y/n) gets it and your play is ruined!" he hissed.
You wiggled around and shook your head furiously, yelling out muffled please for her not to do it.
Mabel lowered her gaze and sighed, and she held out the book making him grin.
"There it is~ I mean, who would sacrifices everything they worked for just for their dumb sibling?"
He chuckled, grabbing onto the book.
Mabel's eyes then widened in realization and she look up at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"Dipper would"
You then yelped as you felt yourself be yanked onto the cake with Mabel, and plummet down onto the ground.
"Whoa! Hey! Hey! Ahhh!"
You screeched when you felt your back collide with the hard wood, and you tumbled forward onto the now broken stage.
You grunted and hauled yourself up to see Mabel wrestle around with bipper.
"Get out of my brother's body you evil triangle!"
She shrieked.
You growled and ran forward, shoving him off Mabel when he tackled her to the ground.
Bipper slid across the ground before jumping back onto his feet and scowling deeply at you.
The crowd that had been watching was staring intensely, thinking that this was part of the play.
"You can't stop me! I'm a being of pure energy and no weakness!" he screamed, lunging himself at you.
You yelped as you were slammed to the ground.
"Mabel run!" you screamed before tried kicking bipper off.
You heard quick footsteps which you figured was Mabel.
'At least she's safe'
You then glanced at the growling pine tree.
'What. What I'm a going to do now?!'

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