Front Matter

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My Most Precious Treasure

Genre: Romance, Teen Fiction, Fanfiction, Mystery/Thriller, Adventure.


Pabasa naman po yung isa ko pang story...

When Darkness Leds To The Right Path
- Fantasy/ Adventure/ Teen fiction/ Romance
- Nasa media po yung cover ng story ko~


This story is a work of fictional. The names, characters, buissnesses, places, thing, ideas and events are all product by the Author's playful imaginations or are use in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincedental.

Do not distribute, publish, display or transmit to any form of media unless of course, you are permitted by the author itself. I do NOT tolerate Plagiarism. And Plagiarism is a Crime.

All rights Reserved May 2016

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