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-Calum's POV-

'If I don't look into your eyes, It's almost like a perfect lie'

*later that night*

"Im- I'm um.. I'm not happy with you!" Ariana slurred and pointed at the clothing hooks.

I furrowed my eyebrows and moved her body so that she was actually looking at me. She shoved me backwards but I didn't fall far since she's too drunk to control her force.

"You-you cheated" she cried hysterically and fell to the floor.

"Yeah well so did you" I snorted.

"What?" She slurred.

"I didn't cheat you idiot. I hugged her! Some guy spiked her drink and could have done god knows what to her!" I replied.

"You touched another girl" she spat.

"In a friendly way, yes. I didn't touch her inappropriately" I rolled my eyes and leant against the door frame that leads into the kitchen.

She was in a heap on the floor and was crying hysterically and then started laughing. I stared at her and felt awkward. I really wish I was with April.

"She's a slut"

I almost choked on nothing as the words left her drunken lips. My body stood completely straight as I stared at her with a mixture of shock, anger and disgust.

"No she is not" I spat.

"She is. She's trying to steal you away from me Cally"

My face contorted with disgust as I heard one of her pet names for me.

"I wish I'd have let her" I mumbled.

"What the fuck Calum? I-i trusted you and you hugged another girl. That's just totally out of order! You're a disgrace to humanity" she shoved me once more and fell face first onto the small staircase.

"You cheated on me Ariana" I snorted.

"I know. I don't regret it either, his dick was better than yours" my eyes widened in shock and I honestly felt quite offended.

"Who's dick?" I questioned to see if my friends were right about her.


"Oh and Dan's" she smirked.

"Who's Dan?" I asked.

"One of April's ex boyfriends, we've been hooking up a lot. That's why they broke up. I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner" she laughed.

"They only broke up a few months ago?" I mumbled and kept my gaze on the ground as I was piecing everything together in my mind.

"And we've been together since the last month of the tour" I muttered.

"You cheated on me? Again?!. This was all just some perfect lie wasn't it?"

"Well yeah. You just weren't satisfying me" she folded her arms and pouted her lips.

"You should have told me. I can't believe I lost April again after she warned me about you." I muttered.

I'm so lucky I got her back though, well kind of..

"I never loved you Calum, I'm not even sorry to be honest" she smiled.

"Well that makes me feel great but I don't care because I've just realised something"


"I think I'm in love with someone else" I whispered since I was still confused of my feelings.

I'm definitely in love with someone else..

"Oh! Michael?! I always thought you two would be a good couple"

"What? No!" I protested.

"Denial is the first stage" she shrugged.

"Shut up".

Malum. Oops.

Vapor; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now