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(Picture is Calum's view that is described)

-Calum's POV-

*2 months later*

"Hey Cameron, is April around? Haven't seen her for a while" I mumbled as her brother opened the door.

He smiled and shook his head before informing me that she was out with some boy called Ben. I nodded and gave him a weak smile before turning away and storming off.

I decided to text her and crossed my fingers in hope that she would reply. I was supposed to be with my girlfriend today but I lied and said that I was going to a family wedding since I couldn't be bothered to put up with her today.

Its harsh, I know but if you had to deal with someone who is so controlling and self absorbed you'd probably be sick of them too.

My phone buzzed and a small smile appeared on my face but it quickly disappeared as it was a message from Ariana. I groaned and shoved my phone into my pocket again and continued to search for April.

She shouldn't be that hard to spot since she is the only person I know with bright purple hair..


After a few hours of walking around Sydney, I gave up and headed into Starbucks to get a coffee. After I had paid and was about to leave the shop I spotted that head of purple hair and I quickly rushed towards the door to make a casual exit.

"Oh Cal! Hey, what are you doing here?" April asked with a smile on her pale face.

"Uh- Getting a Starbucks." I shrugged and looked at the boy who must be Ben.

"Who's your friend?" I asked and stepped closer to him.

His light brown eyes were filled with fear and he leaned backwards so that he wasn't as close to me. April coughed awkwardly and shoved me backwards before introducing me to him.

"Ben, this is my best friend Calum" he shook my hand awkwardly.

"And Cal.. This is Ben" she mumbled before looking down at the ground, then back up with a larger grin on her face.

"My boyfriend"

My jaw dropped a little as I stared at them both. His arm was around her waist, both had smiles on their faces and they both looked.. Happy.

"I'm so happy for you" I gave a fake smile and created an excuse so that I could leave.

My heart ached, I had lost her to another guy. I couldn't do too much about it anyway since I have a girlfriend and she's clearly happy with him.

I sipped my coffee and walked home, occasionally kicking small stones along the ground.


Vapor; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now