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-April's POV-

The first day was always going to be the scariest experience..

Entering a completely new school, knowing nobody except my brother is terrifying. I greeted my parents and looked in the hallway mirror at my reflection.

I wore black skinny jeans with a white button up shirt and a burgundy scarf with brown heeled boots. I used no makeup for the first time and I didn't look that bad.

"Come on Cameron!" Mum yelled.

To: Cal c:

First day, wish me luck xxxx 


"April and Cameron Edwards?" A tanned skin male asked.

Cameron nodded whilst I was staring at the very attractive man. He had soft looking brown hair with deep brown eyes and plump lips. He looked muscular but I couldn't really tell because of his black blazer that was covering his arms.

"This way"


"Hey babe"

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head to see a boy leaning against one of the lockers, his hazel eyes were staring straight into a shorter girls eyes.

They had a short conversation followed by the occasional giggle and I turned my head back so that I was looking back into my locker. I rummaged through my backpack that was shoved into the small locker.

Once the girl began to walk away she decided to let me know by shoving my shoulder and laughing. I looked back at the boy who shook his head and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Ignore her okay?" He whispered into my ear.

"She's your girlfriend.. Why are you telling me to ignore her?" I smirked.

"She wishes she was my girlfriend. Ugh, she's clingy!" He snorted.

"Y-you just called her 'babe'" I mumbled in confusion.

"I say it to everyone, so don't get weirded out if I say it to you" he winked.

"The name is Josh" he held his hand out to me.

"April" I smiled and shook his large hand.

"I really  like your accent.. Babe" he winked.

I laughed and shook my head at the blonde boy in front of me.

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