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-April's POV-

*2 weeks later *

"What would we do if we lost touch?" Liv randomly mumbled as we walked through the front door after getting back from a meal to celebrate us reuniting.

Cameron and I suddenly became intrigued and we waited for her to explain her recent thought. Oscar looked uninterested but nevertheless he paid close attention to the conversation.

The house phone began to ring which silenced the four of us. The three looked towards me which indicated that I had to answer the phone call. I stood up and walked into the hallway, hearing my heels clacking against the floor as I moved.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

I leant against the wall and sighed to myself. The person began mumbling inaudible words which made me ask them to repeat their previous words.

"Sorry, is this April?" The male voice spoke clearer.

"Yes, who's this?"


"Oh, hey Ash. Why didn't you text me?" I asked.

"Calum took our phones. He's really depressed.. Is there any way that you can come and help?" He asked.

"I'm with my friends, I can't just ditch them Ash" I muttered.

He sighed and yelled something that I couldn't understand. He let another sigh escape his lips.

"I have to go, Calum has just left the house" He mumbled before hanging up the phone.

I stared at the wall before placing the phone down onto the stand. I headed back into the living room and fell down onto the couch before they all began to ask me questions.

Vapor; Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now