Tonight's the night

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to zip your dress for you?" I asked after watching her struggle to reach her zipper.

"Yes, please" I zipped her dress "I never got used to zipping my own dress after my husband left. I haven't bought a dress with a zipper since."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Don't be sorry for me. I have Tallulah." She said smiling at Tallulah. She'd fallen asleep during the spa day and we dressed her in her sleep.

"But anyway. You look beautiful in your gown. Are you ready to head downstairs. It'll be starting any second." she said carrying Tallulah to the door.

"You go ahead. I'll meet you there" I went to close the door and saw Chase standing at the doorway.

"I knew you were beautiful but damn!" Chase said taking in the sight of me.

"I was about to say the same thing" I said looking him up in down. There's nothing more attractive than a man in a tux. He dazzled me with his amazing smile.

"Let's go." I said trying to hide my blush. I wrapped my arm around Chase's and we headed out

We took the elevator downstairs and entered the banquet hall. The event was in full swing. Music was playing, people were dancing, and the auction was about to begin. Chase's parents were the first to greet us as we entered.

"Sheilah. I almost didn't recognize you. You look great" Chase's father said.

"Thank you," I smiled feeling like a princess.

The night was wonderful. I mingled with everyone but I was still on the lookout for Kai. I'd seen her walking around but she hadn't approached me and this worried me.

The event was nearly over and from across the room I saw Kai walking right towards me.

"I thought I'd never get you alone." She said when she came up to me sipping her red wine.

"Excuse me?" 

"You're suffocating him. He doesn't like that trust me." She rolled her eyed.

"Glad to see you're handling your alcohol today." I said forcing a smile. She chuckled

"You look nice. But it's just like they say: You can take the girl out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the girl." She smiled widely taking pleasure in my pain. I decided to fight back like Paige told me to.

"You look good too. But I guess you can take the shit out of the toilet but it's still shit" this wiped the smirk off of her face. She threw her wine on my dress.

"Oops." she said and walked off.

I sucked in my breath and headed towards the elevator. I quit. I repeatedly tapped the elevator button. I didn't want Chase to see me like this.

When the elevator finally reached the top floor it I ran into my the room. I quickly stripped off the dress and began rubbing the stain.

"Come on. Come out." I mumbled to myself.

"Sheilah?" I quickly turned around and saw Chase standing at my doorway "What are you doing up here?" he asked.

"How'd you get in my room?" I asked him

"Your door was wide open. You should be careful, especially if you're going to walk around like that." he looked me up and down. I remembered that I was only wearing my bra and underwear.

"My dress!" I said as I headed back into the bathroom and continued rubbing the stain on my dress.

"Wait" he said following me. "Why'd you leave the party?" he looked at my dress "No no no stop" he said grabbing my hands from behind me "You blot wine. Don't rub it." he guided my hand as I blotted the stain.

My heart was beating rapidly when I realized how close we were. I took deep breaths trying to calm down. A few seconds went by and I realized that Chase wasn't helping me blot anymore. I looked in the mirror and realized that he was staring at my face and our eyes locked.

An eternity went by before I moved. I carefully turned around and locked eyes with Chase. His breath was uneven and our faces were a couple of inches apart. He closed the gap between us and kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes. He instinctively lifted me up and sat me down on the edge of the bathroom sink without letting our lips part. We continued kissing until my butt slid into the sink. I let out a small yelp.

We laughed with out foreheads leaning on each other's. He pulled me out and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Carry me to bed." I mumbled into his neck taking in the sweet smell of his cologne. He complied and took me to my bedroom and lowered me on the bed. He tried to pull away but I pulled him down and pressed my lips against his again.

He didn't resist. I kissed him fiercely and I could feel his body responding. His hand caressed my body. He brought his hand to my lower stomach and stopped. He pulled his lips from mine and looked me in the eyes seriously.

"Goodnight" he said pulling his hand away and getting up. 

Frustrated, I grabbed his hand and put it back where it was but slightly lower.

"Keep going." I said in a weak needy whisper.

And he did.

(A/N: I know I've been gone and I deeply apologize. But please don't get mad or leave me. Cut me some slack. My birthday was the 14th so... Yeah that's no excuse. Sorry... Again.)

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