Chapter 17: The Big Day Pt. 4

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"What do you mean?" I said.
"What I mean is that Derrick said he doesn't know where the rings are." Ken said.
"Why is it Derrick's responsibility!?" I whisper-yelled.
"I don't know!" Ken said.
Then without even thinking, I jumped off the platform and ran out the door. Then I heard the door open up again behind me.
"What the hell are you doing!?" Ken yelled.
"Okay, first off, that's not a nice word. Second off, I'm trying to see if the rings fell out here before the little ones came out." I said.
"Okay then, just keep looking, because the wedding just officially got awkward." Ken said.

It's been 20 minutes and we still haven't found the rings.
"Joy, let's just go back. We've been looking for 20 minutes and their obviously not here." He said. He was right the rings were obviously not here. I walked back inside in defeat.
"Did you find them!?" Vincent yelled.
"No!" I yelled back.
"Derrick, do you remember someone giving you the rings!?" Kenneth yelled. Derrick sat and thought for a minute.
"No!" He yelled.
"Oh great. We don't have the rings and the wedding is going terrible and now we-"
"HOLD EVERYTHING!" A masculine voice cut me off. We all turned around to see who it was.
"Uncle Sim!?" I said in shock.
"Uncle who?" Kenneth said in confusion.
"Hey Joy!" Uncle Sim said out of breath. "I totally forgot to mail out the rings, so I ran all the way from work to get them here. I hope I didn't make anything awkward."
"It's fine. It was already awkward." Kenneth said.
"Who's he?" Uncle Sim asked.
"Oh, this is my stepbrother, Kenneth. His son." I said pointing to Cres.
"Hi sir. Hi Sara." He yelled.
"Hi Sim." My Mom yelled back.
"Well, your already here. Might as well stay." I said.
"I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't. My boss doesn't know I snuck out, and if he does he's gonna kill me. But I'll be back by the time the reception starts." He said.
"Ok. Bye Uncle Sim." I said giving him a hug.
"Bye." He said hugging me back. Then out the door he went.
I ran up to the platform to give the officiant the rings and then went back to my spot.
"Well then, that was an interesting turn of events, don't you agree?" The officiant said. Everyone nodded.
"Okay so, Cres, do you take Sara Lee-Anne Howard to be your lawfully wedded wife, through bad and through good, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" The officiant said.
"I do." He said while putting the ring on Mom.
"And Sara, do you take Cres San Jose to be your lawfully wedded husband, through bad and through good, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" The officiant said.
"I do." She said putting the ring on baba.
"Okay the moment you've all been waiting for. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The officiant said.
"I can't watch." Julianna said hiding behind me.
"I can." I said watching Mom and now Dad kiss. There was cheering and applause coming from all over the room. Once they finally stopped, they walked off the platform with the audience still clapping. We all started leaving pair by pair until we all got out the room.
All of the bridesmaids and groomsmen were cheering along with the director.
"Great job everybody! You all did so well. Now if we can all go back to our respective rooms and change into our party clothes.
One thing you probably didn't know is that she hates seeing anyone dressed up for too long. So for the reception, which is now on the beach, she said that everyone can bring a change of clothes, something comfortable and casual. I decided to wear a pair of shorts, a white float crop top, a light cream cardigan, and my white vans. Julianna was wearing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a Queen of Hearts shirt, and her black vans.
"Okay everyone, let's head out to the beach for reception!" The director said. We all started walking to the beach when we saw the boys. As we walked to them, I couldn't find Ken, that was until I felt a pair of arms grab me.
"Hey sis." Ken said.
"What's up bro?" I asked.
"Nothing much, you know, enjoying life." He said. Okay guys we're getting ready to walk down to the party area, so get with your partner if you will." The director said. So I met up wth Ken and followed the group to the party area that was set up.
Once we all go down there, everyone was cheering and clapping, as usual.
"And now," the DJ said. "May we present to you Mr. and Mrs. Cres San Jose!"
Then Mom and Baba came down and we all went crazy. Baba was wearing something similar to Ken, except he had on a white shirt, jeans and dress shoes, and Ken had on a plaid shirt, jeans, and a pair of Converse. Mom had on this beautiful pink sundress and a pair of flats. She hates heels.
"And now, may we please gather around for the first dance as husband and wife." The DJ said.

*skip the dance*

The dance was over and everyone cheered.
"Now let's get this party started!" The DJ said and put on some upbeat music. Everyone started dancing on the dance floor.
"Hey!" I heard a bunch of girls say. I turned around and they were my girls from softball.
"Hey guys it's good to see you all again!" I said.
"Congrats on the new family!" Ingrid said.
"Thanks." I said back.
"By the way, your stepbrother is cute." Leah said blushing.
"If I had a quarter for every time I heard that." I said. Everyone laughed.
"Well, we have to go back now, bye Joy!" Kennedy said.
"Bye girls!" I said as they left. Then I started looking around to see if anybody else I knew was here.
"Hey sista!" Someone said holding me. At first I thought it was Kenneth, but when I turned around, it wasn't him.
"Hey Brian!" I said.
"Hey gurl, congrats!" Brian said.
"Thanks bro, so, how are things with you and um...."
"Oh you don't have to be so awkward anymore, me and Sasha are friends now." Brian said.
"Really? That's great! I'm glad to see you too talking again." I said.
"Yeah, and thanks for trying to help before. I guess we were just so mad, that we didn't even want to give each other a chance to talking things out." He said.
"Hey, all that matters is that things ended well." I said.
"Okay. Thanks again!" Brian said leaving.
"Bye!" I said.
The sun was starting to set, so I stepped off the dance floor and went to the beach side. The scene was beautiful. The sun was setting just over the horizon. The sun made beautiful pink, orange, and purple layers over the water. It looked like something you would see on tumblr or something. I was just daydreaming when someone pushed me and I almost fell into the water.
"Hey sis!" Julianna said.
"Oh, it's just you." I said regaining my balance.
"You were so caught up in whatever you were looking at, that you didn't even here me call you!" Julianna said laughing.
"Sorry, I was just looking at the horizon. Isn't it amazing?" I said turning back around.
"Yup. You don't see this everyday in New York." She said.
"Do you miss New York?" I asked her.
"A little. The only thing I don't miss about New York is dad." She said.
"I can agree with you on that one. But now, we can start on a clean slate. New family, new friends, new opportunities. Even though we all know that some things can't be replaced, we just have to try something new for a change."
"Yep." She said.
"You okay?" I said putting my arm around her.
"Yeah. I have you, and mom, and that's all I could've asked for. Everything else is just a bonus." She said. "Yeah, like that Carson guy you were talking to on Instagram?" I said. She looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.
"How'd you know about him!?" She almost yelled.
"Sierra told me. She's right over there, you know." I said.
"Always running her mouth about something." She said.
"So Carson, hey. What's he like?" I asked.
"He's amazing and super sweet. Although, I forgot what his last name is. Was it Larson, or Luca, or Ludacris?" She said calling out random l names.
"Lueders?" I asked.
"Yeah, that's what it was! Lueders! Let me guess, Sierra told you?" She asked.
"Yep." I said. We both laughed and went back to looking at the sun set.
"Hey girls." Someone said. We turned around.
"Hey Ken." Julianna and I said in unison
"Whatcha talking about?" He said sitting in between us."
"Life." I said.
"And some guy named Carson?" He asked.
"You know too?" Julianna asked. "How?"
"One, I overheard you guys. Two, Sierra told me." He said.
"She's in for a rude awakening when I get to her." She said angrily while me and Ken laughed.
"Well guys, this is it." Ken said.
"What's it?" Julianna asked.
"After all the ups and downs, twists and turns, and all the troubles we've gone through together, we're finally a family." He said putting his arms around us.

Yeah. A family.

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