Chapter 6: First Games

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It was our first game of the season. The Midtown Bears vs. the Cincinnati Ducks. I've been practicing a lot and I think I'm ready to face a new team. We all hopped in the van and headed to the field.
When we got there, the Coach Denver and most of my team were already there. The only one missing so far was Victoria. I was talking to Sasha then suddenly we heard yelling from the other side of the field. We all stood up to see what was going on. It was Victoria and Kyle. It seemed like they were yelling at each other about something. None of us could make out any of the words they were saying. When they were done, Victoria walked towards the dugout while Kyle went the opposite way. Victoria's eyes were as red as blood and tears were running down them like Niagra Falls. We all went over to see what was wrong.
"What's wrong Victoria?" Ingrid said. She was the smallest member and her voice sounded like one of a 7-year old. Victoria was still looking down at the ground.
What's wrong? You can tell us." Savannah said.
"K-Kyle broke u-up w-w-with m-me." Victoria said in a shaky voice. We all stood in shock. All Victoria has been bragging about for the past month was her relationship with Kyle. On one hand, I was happy to see Victoria cry because I hated her guts. But on the other hand I was a little worried because everyone knew from the start that Victoria doesn't perform well in bad situations. Especially one like this. If she doesn't feel better soon, her performance can cost us our first game. And that would not be a good first impression on our team. The game was starting. We were in the Ducks field, so we were up at bat first. Luckily, Victoria is the 6th one up at bat. So that gives her a little more time to calm down. Tori was up first. To our surprise, she made a home run in the first hit. Tori was not one of our best hitters, so that really took all of us by surprise. Even the umpire gave a look. Diana was next. She was able to get a double. Ann was next and got us another home run which gave us two more runs in the first inning. Then came Pat and Kennedy. Both on 2nd and 3rd base. Then it was Victoria's turn. I had butterflies flying in my stomach, and Coach Denver had a sick look on his face, like he was about to throw up all over the dugout. We all looked in fear as the pitch was about to be thrown. Then we all saw anger in Victoria's eyes. None of us had ever seen that in her. Not even when I won MVP last year. Never. When the pitch was thrown, Victoria hit the ball so hard that it probably went out of the field and onto the parkway. Either way, the ball was out of sight and Victoria got us 3 more runs for our team. This game might go better than I thought.


We won the game 31-0. And if you're wondering, no they didn't score any runs. I didn't even allow a single hit. I used the same ball the ENTIRE game. The umpire and my coach signed my ball so I can keep it as inspiration. When we were done, I grabbed my bag and headed to the van. But the I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey." I heard manly voice say. I turned around to see the piercing blue eyes of Kyle. I stood there in shock as I tried to spit out a "hi."
"What's wrong? You seem nervous." he said.
"How would you know?" I said back in defense. He lightly chuckled.
"You're blushing." He said. I covered my cheeks to hide the redness. He then took my wrists and put my hands down.
"It's okay. You look cute when you blush." He said. I blushed even more. Next thing I knew his hand were locked into mine. His hands were warm and soft and it felt amazing. He took a piece of paper from out of his pocket and placed it into my hand.
"I'll see you around." He said before walking off. I couldn't even feel my body at that moment. Everything felt numb except for my hands. I could still feel his warm touch. I stood there for about 10 minutes until I heard a voice.
"Joy-Anna! Hurry up!" Ken said. I totally forgot I was still on the field. I ran up to wear Ken was standing.
"Sorry. I was just daydreaming." I said.
"About Kyle, right?" I looked at him in confusion.
"How do you know about Kyle?" I asked.
"I hang out with him on weekends." He said. "And don't think I didn't see that little cliché romance movie scene over there with you two." He said. I pushed his shoulder.
"Oh shut up." I ran and hopped in the van. I went all the way to the back. As we were driving home, I pulled out the paper that Kyle have to me earlier. I opened it up to reveal his phone number with "call me" written on the bottom.

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