Chapter 16: The Big Day Pt. 3

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The music had started to play, and from a distance, I saw the doors opening. I was sort of nervous, considering that none of my friends saw me in a dress before. But hey, there's always a first for everything.
"Hey, wasn't the ceremony supposed to be outside?" Vincent asked.
"Yeah." Said a voice behind us. I turned around and saw the director again.
"But it's so windy out, not like cold wind, but humid wind. But it should stop by the time the ceremony's over." She said.
"Wait, so we're going to have the reception outside?" Kenneth asked.
"Exactly." She said and walked off.
"Well, I don't know how I'm supposed to dance on sand." Julianna said. We all looked a her funny.
"What? Just curious." She said. When I turned back around there were only two more pairs in front of me.
"Well, here we go." Kenneth said when we got up to the door.
When we walked in, the room seems to soften a bit, if you know what I mean. They were in awe.
As I was walking, I saw my family on the right side of the room and Kenneth's family on the left.
On my side I saw Brian, Sasha, and their families, along with my softball team and even Coach Denver. I wonder if Sasha and Brian are still mad at each other? Well, they were sitting on different ends. In different rows. But, we can never assume.
On Kenneth's side, I saw all of his friends from dance class, and even Soni showed up. Considering what happened last time we got together. I hope she's okay.
We finally got to the end of the aisle and Kenneth and I went our separate ways. Then the little ones came down the aisle and it was as if we were all chocolate chips and they were microwaves. They were so adorable and probably melted everyone's hearts. Oh the perks of being adorable.
"May we please stand for the bride?" The officiant says through a microphone. Everyone stands as the bride (a.k.a, my Mom) comes out. As she starts walking, there are a bunch of cameras and cellphones coming out to get a shot of my mom. It was as if the crowd was the paparazzi and she was Jennifer Lopez. She was walking down with my grandpa. When she got close to the end, baba got got off the platform to take her. Once Mom got to the end, the music stopped.
"Who gives this woman the permission to marry this man?" The officiant said.
"Her mother and I do." My grandpa said. Then baba took my moms hand and walked her up the platform.
"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today, to celebrate the marriage of Sara Lee-Anne Howard and Cres San Jose."....

*[Skip to the rings]*

"Now may we please have the rings." The officiant said.
Nothing happened.
"I said, may we please have the rings." The officiant said again.
Still. Nothing happened. Everyone was starting to get confused. Then Kenneth moved from his spot
and whispered something in my ear.

"They don't have the rings."....

Upside Down book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora