Chapter 9: More Games and...a Cheater!

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I had a softball game early the next morning. So I got up, showered, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and changed into my softball uniform. I was excited for this particular game because Kyle was coming to watch. I was super excited! I walked downstairs, got my softball bag, and hopped into the van.
While we were driving, Baba and I were having some small talk.
"So Joy, how does it feel for your team to be undefeated 3/4 of the way through the season?" Baba asked.
"To be honest, I totally forgot we are undefeated. I just like throwing balls at people." I said. Then everyone started laughing their butts off. Wow. I never knew that I could be so funny. We all laughed the rest of the way there.
Once we got there, I saw Kyle sitting on the bleachers with his friends. I called his name multiple times, but he ignored me. I was a little confused but made my way to the dugout. I talked to Sasha before the game started.
"So, I see Kyle showed up." She said.
"Yeah." I said casually.
"Well, you don't seem excited about it." She said back.
"It's just that he's starting to ignore me. I don't know what all the shade is about." I said.
"Well don't worry about it. All that matters is, is that we are almost to an undefeated season, and that is the only thing we need to focus on. You've been dreaming about an undefeated season since last year when when we literally lost every game. Now is your chance to live that dream. Don't let a boy get in the way of that. I don't know much about relationships or boys, but I do know that they think they have the power the get in the mind of girls thinking they are the most important thing in the world to them, then next thing you know, they leave them heartbroken and they feel like they have nothing else to accomplish in the world. But that's not going to be you. Okay?" She asked.
"Okay." I responded.
"Good. Now go out there and kick ass." She said. I laughed as I went out onto the pitchers mound.
We won the game 19-0 and I got a no-hitter. This wasn't my first time getting a no-hitter, so I wasn't too excited. We all went to congratulate the other team, then went to the dugout to get our stuff. When I walked out, I was expecting to see Kyle, but he wasn't there. I scanned through the bleachers again just to make sure I didn't miss him. I suddenly felt heartbroken. He literally ignored me the entire day. I don't know what his problem is, but sooner or later I'm gonna find out. But for now I'm just gonna grab my bag and head home.
|{Two weeks later}|
It's been two weeks and Kyle still hasn't talked to me. Not a text, call, nothing. I was starting to get worried and suspicious that something fishy is going on. At this point, I'm just gonna go to Kyle's house and see what's going on. But it was around 8:00 and it was getting dark. So I decided not to go alone. So I ran upstairs and knocked on Kenneth's bedroom door. When he opened it, he was shirtless with a pair of shorts on. I started gazing off until Kenneth started talking.
"So you like what you see huh?" He said. I snapped out of it and punched his arm.
"Ow! That hurt!" He said.
"Whatever. Just get dressed and grad your skateboard, we're going somewhere." I said.
"Where the heck are we going at 8:00 at night?" He asked.
"We're going to Kyle's house." I said. I saw Kenneth come downstairs.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I have a feeling that something fishy is going on with Kyle. He hasn't talked to me in weeks. So if there is something going on, I need a witness. And plus, I don't wanna go alone. It's too dark." I said. After I said that, he just smirked.
"Okay. Let's just hurry up before it gets too late." He said. I nodded and left a note on the refrigerator door in case mom and baba got worried.
"How far is his house?" Kenneth yelled as we were skating.
"Not that far if you go faster!" I yelled back. He then started to pick up the pace. When we got to his house, I ran up up and knocked on the door. I couldn't hear anything so I knocked again.
"Did he answer yet?" Ken said while walking up to me.
"No." I said. Then we saw a car pull up in front of the house. It was very dark, so I couldn't see who it was. As the person got closer to us, I started to recognize who it was.
"Hey Jake." I said.
"Oh hey Joy. What are you doing out here this late at night?" He said.
"I was just checking on Kyle. He hasn't talked to me in a while." I said. "But no one is answering the door."
"Well that's strange. He's always home. But anyways, come on in!" He said.
We walked in the house and searched around the house. And you couldn't believe what I found on the couch......

Sorry for the cliff hanger, but I needed this to be more interesting. Part 2 of this chapter is coming soon! :)

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