Chapter 8: Birthday Parties & More Planning

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Today we were having Ken's birthday party. It was kind of weird having his party almost a month after his birthday. But it doesn't matter. He decided to have a pool party since the weather was getting warmer. We also had a bouncy house, slip and slide, popcorn machine, cotton candy machine, snow cones, games and prizes. It felt almost like summer. Ken invited a bunch of his friends. Brian, Sasha, and Kyle were also invited. Once every got here, we started the party.
Most of the girls were in the pool while the boys were wrecking up the bouncy house. Sasha swam over to me so we could talk.
"So, how are things going with you and Kyle?" She asked.
"Uh. I could go on for hours!" I said.
"Well go on!" She shouted.
"He's absolutely amazing. He is the most sensitive person ever. You can tell that he truly cares." I said. "Well I think I'm done with the pool. I'm gonna go go shower and change."
"I'm with you." Sasha agreed. We both got out of the pool and wrapped ourselves in our towels. We went upstairs to shower when I heard banging noises coming from Julianna's room. I gave Sasha a smirk and she agreed to my idea. We ever so quietly opened the door and saw you guessed it...two kids having sex. The two kids were Amber and Thomas, and they were from Kenneth's old school. There was moaning distributed throughout the room.
"Stop t-teasing Thomas." Amber said.
"Don't worry babe, I got you." Thomas said in a seductive voice.
"Thomas, I'm gonna cum!" Amber shouted. Thomas rocked harder.
"Thomas!" Amber shouted one last time before squirting sounds filled the room. After that I quickly but quietly closed the door. Me and Sasha started gagging.
"What kind of kids have sex at 12 and 13!?" I said.
"Californian kids." Sasha said. I rolled my eyes.
"And I thought New Yorkers were nasty." I said. She laughed and we went to shower. I same out in a pair of white shorts, a white crop top, and white sneakers. Sasha came out in black shorts, a purple shirt, and some sandals. We went back out in the backyard and got something to eat. We sat down and started eating.
A few minutes later, Kyle came up to me.
"Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked. I nodded and led me inside the house. We went upstairs and he led me into my room. How did he know it was my room? Oh right. It says my name on on the door.
"Listen. I know we've only been dating for a couple of weeks, but I just wanna say that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You make me happier and give me something to look forward to every morning. And I would never, ever do anything to hurt you." He said. I almost cried at his words. They were so sincere and truly came from his heart.
"And to prove it, I got you something." He pulled out a red velvet box. Inside was a diamond ring.
"Thank you." I said and hugged him. We sat there in awkward silence. Then I got up and walked back outside. I didn't see him follow me, but I just kept walking. I went back to the table with Sasha.
"Hey, what's that on you're finger?" She asked. I was confused for a second but then I realized that I had put the ring on my finger.
"Oh. Kyle gave me this." I said. Sasha looked shocked but excited at the same time. The rest of the night, me and Sasha talked about random stuff.
The next morning was heavy wedding planning day. Mom and Baba were getting food and trying cakes for the wedding while Kenneth, Julianna and I had the job of sticking address stickers on the wedding invitations that came yesterday so we can ship them out ASAP.
"How many invitations have we done so far?" I said exhausted. We had been doing this for the past hour and a half and I just wanted to be done.
"I think a little more than 3,000." Ken said.
"How many people are coming?" Julianna asked.
"8,000 people. 8,052 to be exact." I said. They both looked at me like I had 18 heads.
"How do you know?" Julianna asked.
"Because we were originally supposed to have 8,046 people, but Baba added Trigger to the list at the last minute. So 8,046, plus Trigger, his wife, and their 4 children, is 8,052 people." I said. Both of them stood there in silence.
"Anyways, it looks like we are almost done with the invitations now." Kenneth said. I looked down and realized that we only had about 50 more invitations.
"Wow. How long have we've been talking for?" I asked.
"Long enough for us to finish them." Julianna said. Then next thing we knew we were finished. We brought them over to Mom and Baba and they let us have a little break. Julianna went into her room while Kenneth and I went outside to jump on the trampoline. We were jumping for a while until Ken asked me something.
"Hey Joy, when would you wanna get married?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said while still jumping and looking at the ground.
"Oh okay. Would you wanna save sex till marriage?" He asked. That's when I stopped jumping.
"That's kind of a random outburst, but why do you ask?" I said. He looked kind of embarrassed.
"I don't know I just wanted to know from you." He said looking down. I heavily sighed and started speaking.
"I would like to, but it doesn't always work out that way. You know?" I said. Ken looked up from the ground confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, you know, kids back in the day were raised to save sex till marriage, but with the society that we live in today, people are having sex before they even finish school. I just don't wanna be another victim of that." I said.
"Oh. Well I'm gonna head inside now." He said and jumped off the trampoline. "I'll be in my room if you need me!" He shouted.
"Okay!" I shouted back. Then I continued jumping on the tramp for the rest of the day.

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